Chapter 1: Cara's MISTAKE

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( Yvette  POV) My daughter........Cara.......she is trying to take this way too far. She has a phone, a laptop, sleepovers and just few things. Why does she want to be all over the world or being or doing anything alone? Cara is loyal, smart, little tricky and/or difficult, hilarious but she doesn't need to be Wild And Free just yet, but I'll ask her father. "Hey, Martin....what do you think about Cara being alone doing whatever????" "Oh Yvette, I think that she's becoming a woman and she's not our little girl anymore. She's 16 with her own car and money. We already have two other kids. He's in his room now but Sean and Cara.... they're just going to bicker !" Really? Cara might be 16 with a car and some money but I would hate to see her do something that'll cause serious trouble." " Cara, we need for you to come here." "Ok....Yes..Daddy?" " Cara, I've made my decision, you can go. But if Mom says no, you just can't, okay???" " Mom....." " hOk...but...nothing, never mind just go to your friend's house tonight. Bye. " Thank you, thank you, thank you." " Bye, Mom, Dad, Sean, Molly." Of course, Molly wanted her to stay, but although Cara been out before....Molly loves Cara. " Cara, take your sister with you." " Ok, Tyra won't mind. Get your book, clothes, money, and anything you want to bring. Hurry." Molly was out and they left. I just hope that they're ok! ( Cara's Words....At Tyra's house with Molly) "Molls, come on. Tyra wants to see you." "Hey, Molly and Cara!!!!!!! We're going to have some fun and if you don't mind, Ashley is here." " OF COURSE I DON'T MIND, THAT'S MY OTHER BESTIE!!! ASHLEY!!!!!!! COME ON MOLLY, YOU'LL LOVE ASHLEY, ASHLEY LOVES ABOUT AS MUCH THINGS AS YOU DO. " YAY, LOVE TO MEET HER. Hello, Ashley. My name's Molly and I heard a lot about you." " Oh, you're Molly. Molly, nice to meet you. You're going to do things with me in the other room. It has lots of computers and books!!!!" "Thanks, you're so nice. Let's GO! I'M GOING WITH ASHLEY TO THE OTHER ROOM, CARA. I turned and waved. Ok, Let's see what we going to do. Tyra played some funky music and we danced. Tyra was being a runway model and I was a Egyptian Queen. We danced and heard a bling-bling sound coming from Tyra's phone, although it was an unknown caller, Tyra excused herself and stepped to the halls of her large house. Tyra's computer had a message that said"Oh, Hi!! I'm Tariq and I'm ready to chat. Answer....." I clicked the mouse. I typed (even though it wasn't any of my business) " I'm not Tyra, I'm Cara, but I would love to chat.....Go ahead, speak!" "Ding! Tariq was at it again. " Well hello, Cara. So, my name is Tariq Hassan and I'm kinda bored, so if we could skip the small talk and just talk." "Tariq, I'm Cara and I'm on 1738 Hayes Street. And since I won't be here everyday, you should add me on Facebook, Snapchat, Kik, Skype and Instagram. My usernames are the same: Cara1919.......So, Tariq, what is it to talk about?? Tariq answered" Oh, Cara, How about you meet me Friday and I'll tell you about something I've never told anyone before. You might be afraid but don't be. I'm not going to hurt you......hmmm...Oh, Gotta Go!!!!!!" Tyra came in and I told her about Tariq Hassan. "TARIQ HASSAN?? HE LIKES TO TRICK OTHERS INTO KILLING THEMSELVES OR...... ANYTHING MEAN AND JUST PLAIN CRUEL." "Too bad, I'm meeting him tomorrow. Molly will stay. Molly will probably go with Ashley home. But me, I'm gonna find out who this nice, sweet, Tariq is. Tyra, I don't know if I can trust you, you told me aggravating lies and I stood for it. You are my best friend but all those lies you told led to this and Tariq asked for you but I talked to him. He has my address and social media usernames. He's not going to hurt me nor you, he said so himself. I believe him." " OVER ME......I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND!!!! You...CARA..GET OUT!!! GO IN THERE WITH MOLLY!!!! I'M DEAD SERIOUS!!!!!!! GO! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW YOU ARE SO GULLIBLE AND WON'T EVEN BELIEVE THE PERSON WHO SAVED YOUR LIFE. I lied so THAT SAME GUY wouldn't know that I didn't any friends so he wouldn't hurt you!!!!!!! Cara, she just is so..... well.... gullible!  Cara is what you call,,,,just plain crazy. " CARA, I HEARD ABOUT YOU AND THIS OTHER GUY..... STOP THIS MADNESS!!!!!! Bye. I'll handle this madness!  I'll just.......bye!!!! Come back when you believe only me.....Tariq is a stalker and a bully. Why do you think he wanted.....  to meet ya?? Look, I care for you and I don't wanna see ya get hurt...but if you don't trust your best friend since pre-k, that's perfectly...fine!!!! Wow! Please..."Cara..."Tyra, I'm sorry, but this is my only chance! I'm so happy and this Tariq seems so nice. And I understand from your point but  I will be fine. Cara walked to the bed and shuts the lights off and  kissed Molly and fell asleep on the bed, no sheets! Tyra took her computer and hid it in the basement. Cara turned over when Tyra tried to wake her the next morning so they can go to Ciara's party that evening. Tyra was angry and kept trying and so, Cara was irritated and woke up. She called her mom and said that she was ok and to stop worrying. She hung up and told Ashley to get up and get ready...Molly was already dressed and ready to go. Ashley had taken Molly to get a IPHONE 6! So Molly was talking to Ciara and told her we were on our way. Molly was happy......Cara...Not....Tyra..Yeah...Ashley........Excited. Cara and Molly sat in the back. Molly and Ashley longed to sit down with each other but if Cara and Tyra sat together something bad would happen and they did their best to ignore each other but Tyra just couldn't. Tyra was angry and broke the silence and said" Ohh...Hey Cara, you ready to...PARTY?????? Cara didn't respond to Tyra. She finally sighed and shook her head yeah. She let a smile crawl up her face and Tyra laughed. Ashley and Cara switched spots and Tyra and Cara didn't yell. Molly was giggling at Ashley. They arrived and the music drew them to the dance floor. They danced and ate. They met new people and had conversations. Tyra looked around and saw Tariq Hassan!!! She grabbed Cara and realized that he set this trap today to meet Cara. CARA SAW HIM AND LET LOOSE. THEY TALKED AND TYRA FREAKED. TYRA GRABBED HER, INTERRRUPTING THEM AND...TARIQ NOTICED TYRA.. TYRA WAS FREAKING OUT AND TRIED TO TAKE EVERYONE TO THE CAR. CARA LEFT WITH HER AND GRABBED THE OTHER GIRLS. THEY JUMPED IN THE CAR AND SPED OFF. THEY HID BEHIND A BUILDING. THEY THOUGHT HE WOULDN'T FOLLOW THEM AND BACKED OUT. THEY SAW HIM STANDING IN THE FARTHER FIELD. HE WAS COMING TO THEM........MOLLY CRIED AND EVERYONE BENT DOWN AND SNUCK INTO THE BUILDING....CARA TOLD EVERYONE TO HIDE. EVEN THE STAFF. CARA....SCREAMED. Tariq had her. Molly cried some more and Tyra retrieved a gun from the staff and found Tariq Hassan with Cara. He was trying to hurt her. He said that Tyra was a phony. Tyra shot the gun to the left of her and grabbed CARA when he wasn't looking. Cara had a bruise that the punch he gave her on her back. She ran and hid with the others......Tyra stood up and dropped her gun while staring at Tariq. Ohhhhh..... Tyra. Tariq Hassan with the gun. He shot Tyra. Tyra fell with a large thud. Cara, she was miserable. Tyra. All she could think was about Tyra. Tyra stood up for her...and she could do was hide and watch. Molly tried to buy her the world. Ashley took Cara to her favorite places and she never cracked a smile once. When Cara returned from the diner, someone called her. She answered.
" Cara....if you want to see Tyra again....come meet me out tonight at 5 p.m. Tyra...she's gone, because of YOU!! You hurt her and I'll ...hurt you next. You....Tyra told me about you and I should have listened. You, you're a killer but I will come. You may live...You may not.... I'm so miserable. IF I DARE SEE YOU HURT ANYONE ELSE....YOU WON'T LIVE TO SEE YOUR NEXT DAY. YOU MIGHT NOT SEE IT COMING. " make me laugh. I play that role. You, puny, whiny, little punk. But meet me and see what happens. You may see your beloved peeps there. Oh...byeee. Hoping to see you..Heeee... Come see me tonight... I'll be ready. Be ready!! I'm so happy! Just at 5:00!!!! Meet me at the sacred tree. Then he just hung up.  (Cara's POV) Even though I'm scared.....I'm going to woman up!! I'm going to try to see Tyra again and to see if he has hurt any of my family. Sean! No! I get ready for the meeting with Tariq. Tariq...I fell for it. Tariq is going to see what I'm made of. Life will..never be the same. Now Tariq Hassan will.....Ashley is calling me.. She's crying and screaming. I run to her and I see her fainted all across the floor. I'm scared..... But it's almost 5.  I take Molly along and give
her guns. I can't risk her....I lied Ashley onto the car seat. Ashley stirred and I covered her with a small blanket. Molly and I held our guns. We left Ashley and locked the door. We get out to looking out to the Tree. He walks to us and greets us. "Oh,'ve come and you brought your little sister..puny and weak. Just like you." " Haha, we're weak. You're just pitiful. You. How we meet again. Oh....where's the family??? I see...Sean!!! Mom...Dad. have no mercy. Tariq...let's get the party started. Strike one. " " Ok Cara, how do you feel about this. He took a punch and I twisted his arms. He shrieked of pain and I threw him down. He kicked me off......

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