Chapter 2: The Fight For Family

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Once I fell, he spun onto Sean and grabbed him. He was threatening me...I had to do something. I loved Sean and I couldn't let Tariq hurt him. I ran and Molly took a punch from Tariq. Molly hit him and he fell unconscious. I took Sean to the Shadow Tree. It healed his wounds. I left him there with Ashley when she awaken from the car. My mom struggled to free herself from Tariq's hard, bloody, cold, and shaky hands. Sean, Molly, and Ashley joined me into the center of the land. They were armed with weapons. They....walked over to me. We all split up and took off to Tariq. He dodged me and headed to Molly. Molly jumped up and punched him and Sean kicked him. Ashley and I heard a thud and he fell. He groaned. He raised his hand and a body lifted into the sky. The person spun and turned to reveal her face. TYRA! Ashley and I stepped on his hand to let her down. We ran and Sean held him down and Tyra hugged us. Obviously, when Tariq Hassan had Tyra strangled, he shot the wrong way but Tyra had fell because of his powers. Sean had called the cops. I tried to untie my parents when I was hit with Tariq's powers shocked me. Sean ran to my rescue and blasted him with rays of his powers. Sean has powers? Sean took my hand and out came powers!!!! Molly and I mixed powers and blasted Tariq until the cops' siren was heard over the hills. Tariq strangled my dad. I screamed! Tyra had hidden powers to unleash at any moment.... My dad fell with a bang. We unleashed powers together and he fell. Tariq arisen with red eyes.... We roared from pain when we were struck from Tariq's powers. Tariq let us suffer. My dad freed us. He tackled Dad and Tyra laughed at Tariq. (Tyra POV) When I laughed, Tariq's eyes lit up from embarrassment and he lifted into the sky bringing me along. He spun me dizzy! I held my powers back to charge all together. Cara used her powers to help. His monster voice roared with laughter and sent us up. I was spinning and I couldn't make the powers stop...Cara, Sean, Ashley, Yvette, and Martin rose to my rescue. I stopped spinning and Tariq was invisible. He kicked us to the Shadow Tree. He held us against the tree. An invisible barrier held us back. Martin reached for our hands. We bent our heads and held hands, saying a chant. "The fight that holds us against the tree, let us rise and fall for me." We broke THE barrier and the police arrived. The first police officer used his tazer. His tazer made Tariq stronger. He was strangled. The others teamed with us and two policemen were challenged with Tariq. We took him down. Behind a bright ray of light, Tariq Hassan was dropped onto the police car and zoomed into the handcuffs. We all turned and saw Ciara!

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