Pillow Talks

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"Do you remember this place, Sam?"

"1043 Avenue Park. The garden right by the small little coffee shop around the corner. The first day we met."

"Your feet just barely touching the sidewalk, whilst your face concave in the latest novel. You hair tucked behind your ears keeping it from blowing in the wind."

"What made you come up to talk to me?"

"I was just drawn to you. It's crazy but in that moment I felt like I loved you. Even if I didn't know you."

"What on earth could you love about me if you didn't even know me?"

"I loved everything. I loved how you looked so good in white and flowers.I loved how bold your smile was, like it might as well be engraved in stone. I even loved the way your chocolate brown eyes lit up when you first looked at me."

"I loved a lot about you on that day. You were wild like you were searching for more."

"August 12th. On that day, Sam, I stopped searching. I already found what I was looking for."

"What were you looking for?"

"I was looking for you. I was looking for the girl I could have endless pillow talks with. I was looking for the girl who I could keep my promises for. There was a place on my chest, just below my throat, that was meant for you."

"I didn't even think I was capable of love until I met you."

"Just as I didn't think I was capable of finding my fairy tale princess."

"I am nowhere near close to a princess. It was more like you were the fox, and I was the turtle."

"A turtle could not compare to you. You are something that cannot be described in word. Your amazing from head to toe. I fell in love with you everyday as if I was a leaf in the autumn falling from its tree."

"How do you everytime say the right words that makes my heart ache the way that it does?"

"My heart belongs to you, just as if your heart belongs to me."

"Hudson, why are we here? In this place again after two years. Why come back now?"

"We came back here because I wanted to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me."

"Hudson isn't this a little too early for that?"

"For the two years, twenty four months, seven hundred and thirty days, seventeen thousand five hundred and twenty hours, one million fifty one thousand and two hundred minutes we've been together, I didn't stop loving you. And I want you to spend the rest of the forty years we may have left, together with me."

"Hudson, I can't."


"I'm not saying I don't want to be with you. It's just that I can't. I don't have forty years left to live. I don't even think I have any more than six months left."

"How do you know this?"

"The doctors told me that I had less than a year to live. I have a brain tumor that I never knew about until about a few weeks ago. They told me that this was the type of tumor that doesn't show symptoms or signs."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want this to make this painful at all. I wanted to just one day wipe away from your life and never come back. I didn't think you would ask me to marry you."

"You should have told me. What did you think would have happened?"

"I guess I thought I would have just died in my apartment and never returned your phone calls until you found out I was dead."

"I can't you thought that would happen. I can't believe you thought that you would be so easily forgotten if you just died one day."

"I'm not anything special."

"Not anything special? You mean the world to me. I would go to the moon and back just to get a glimpse of your face one more time. Sam, regardless of what happens in the next few months. I love you, and I won't stop loving you."

"Your crazy."

"I guess I am. I'm crazy in love."

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