Chapter I. (Part two)

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"Hey." A voice from behind me calls, making me jump startled. I turn around, with a hand clutching tight to my chest, and find him standing at the door, with an amused look plastered in his pretty face.

"Chill. We did not sleep together, if that's what you're thinking by the terrified look in your eyes." He says with a chuckle and I feel my whole face burn in embarrassment. "You're too young anyway..."

I clear my throat feeling slightly offended by his last comment. "That's not what I was thinking." I say coolly. He eyes me up and down and a chill runs down my spine. He walks closer to me, and with each step my heart gets smaller and smaller.

What is wrong with me?

"Your phone's been ringing for hours." He says, handing me the small device. I take it, my breath caught in my throat. He's still standing close to me, and for a moment I wish he would kiss me. I've never felt this way before.

He clears his throat this time and takes a step away from me. I wanna reach for him, but I don't. He walks to the door again and before leaving says: "There's food in the kitchen, if you're interested."

I sit down on the small bed and unlock my phone's screen.

"Shit." I mutter. <<5 missed calls, 2 voicemails and 28 text messages. >>

I quickly scroll through my notifications and messages, which are for the most part Whitley saying she hopes I have finally gotten laid, and a few from the other girls. Three missed calls from my mother, and again two from Whitley.

That girl, I think. She's nice and all, but she really makes my head hurt.

I'll probably call my mother later. She likes to act like the oh-so-caring mother, but I know better. She's always busy with her weekly love affairs to even notice my constant absence at home, so why even bother.

I let out a deep, tired sigh. I rub my face with the palm of my cold hands and smudge the makeup on my face even more. I must look like a raccoon at this point.

I get up and walk towards what seems to be a bathroom. I enter the small, barely lit room and stare at my reflection. When did I become this unrecognisable heartless machine? I barely recognise myself. My eyes lack emotion, and what once used to be a bright emerald, now is a dull green. My lips are dry and chapped, my skin deprived of color. Am I still somewhere inside this person?

I try to smile, but it comes off as a grimace. Everyday gets tougher, but I don't get any stronger and I'm afraid someday I won't have the energy to keep on.

I hear a knock on the door and drift my eyes away of the mirror.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You alright?" His deep voice echoes through my mind. Am I alright?

"Yeah, I'll be out in a bit." I say politely and then open the faucet. I make a pool of water with my hands and splash it on my face. I feel refreshed. I grab a small towel and clean the rests of makeup away.

I don't look too bad anymore. Still pale and tired, but the black mascara stains around my eyes are gone. I pinch my cheeks slightly, trying to bring some color to them.

I take a deep breath and walk out.

I find my way to the kitchen following the sound of a melodic voice. I rest on my left side and observe him sing to himself. It's a marvellous experience.

Suddenly he stops singing and turns around. "How long have you been there?" He asks shyly.

"A few seconds." I smile. "You're pretty good, by the way." I walk past him and take a glance at what he's been preparing. "And this looks pretty good as well."

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