My Guardian- A Jack Frost fanfiction

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My Guardian~Prologue

Ariel grew up hearing that she would never be good enough for anyone. Her father abused her mentally and physically while her mother just stood back and did nothing about it. She felt like no one could ever love her, and what her dad said never helped.

Jack Frost stood by Ariel's window while watching the strong ,7 year old girl not shedding one tear after being abused. Each time she looked like she was about to break, but she would just look out the window, seemingly looking straight at Jack. She would take a deep breath and stick her chin up in the air like she knew what her father said didn't matter. She had a defiant glint in her eye and she stood up and went to her window and placed her small, fragile hand on the frost that had appeared on her window from Jack laying his hand on it. As she did this she had comfort and relief wash over her features.

That was the moment that Jack knew he wanted to spend the rest of his immortal life with her. And he was determined that nothing, not even death, would stop him.

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