Chapter One

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Chapter 1

There are multiple things that I hate in this world.

To start off with, I hate the dark. But my house is almost always dark because my parents don't pay the electric bill.

I hate it when people judge you. Whenever someone that doesn't even know you thinks they can figure you out because your shirt is wrinkled or has a few stains or holes on it. Or because all the hairs on your head aren't perfectly set. Or because you have been wearing the same old worn out black converse for the past three years they think they know your whole story. Let me just say, they don't.

I hate it when people complain about stupid things. Like when a scrawny little rich girl wines how her salad has too many carbs or something like that.

I hate my Dad.

That's just a start, but I'll skip the rest. Now I'll just give you an idea about what I'm scared of.

I'm not proud of it, but I'm scared of a few things.

I'm scared of severe storms.

I'm scared of snakes, especially poisonous ones.

I'm scared of dying.

And I'm terrified of my Dad.

I opened my eyes and winced a little as I realized that my left cheek was hurting. I looked out my tiny window and noticed the detailed designs of frost that had appeared. And beyond that I saw the sun starting to rise over the horizon.

I guess it's time to get up for yet another 'wonderful' day of school.

I rolled out of my very thin sheet and stepped away from my used, old twin sized mattress. After a second I realized I had goosebumps covering every inch of my body. I guess the electric bill didn't get paid, again.

I walked across my small room in 3 steps to my door that was cracked. I slowly opened the door, so it wouldn't creak and wake up my Dad. There was a small enough slot for me to get through without opening the door all the way. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I looked around and saw that the only things in the fridge was alcohol.

Guess I'm not eating breakfast before school.

I estimated by looking at the position of the sun that it was about 6:30am.

If I start getting ready now, I'll be out the door at 7, so I'll get to school a little before 8.

I tiptoed back into my room and picked out my 'lovely' outfit for the day.

A blue tshirt that had the school's mascot on it along with sweat pants that had a few small holes. I picked up a mirror so I could see how I was doing my hair.

When I looked into it I saw that my left cheek had a bluish purplish tint to it.

I guess he hit me harder than I thought.

I sighed. I hope Stacy has some extra cover up I can use. The last thing I need is for people to start asking questions, again.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and looked around for a clean pair of socks and my only pair of shoes.

After looking for 5 minutes I found some socks under the clutter that is my room and I also found my shoes. I put them on my freezing toes.

As I walked towards the front door I heard snoring coming from the living room. I turned and saw my dad passed out on the couch with a beer bottle still in his hand.

I stared at him for a second before I continued walking out the door. I grabbed my backpack and turned the knob.

It squeaked as loud as it possibly could. I froze in place. I turned and saw my Dad with his eyes half open staring straight at me.

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