Dusk (Jisoo's POV)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Based on the title, from here on it'll be Jisoo's point-of-view. I still don't know how many chapters that will be but a hint is that those chapters have "Jisoo's POV" on the chapters' title. So look forward to them! ;) Oh! And the main character's name is Na Myeong-eun. ^^


It was a little past 6 in the evening when I got home. I expected to see my girlfriend cooking up something somehow edible. She may not be the best cook but she's not that bad either. As I opened the front door, all I heard was hushed calmness. Maybe she's asleep already. I started looking for her in our bedroom; still no sign of her. I better get everything ready then.

"Jeonghan-ah, she's not here yet. Come over now! Fast!" I called Jeonghan to bring the food I have prepared for my anniversary with Myeong-eun.

I then called Hansol's girlfriend, Heechan, one of her bestfriends, "Heechan-ah, can you buy Myeong-eun a pair of shoes?"

"What kind of shoes?" she asked back.

"Maybe a pair of heels?" I sounded unsure myself.

"Heels? That's a bad idea, I tell you. Why not a pair of sneakers?" then I heard someone shout,

"Again?!" That must be Soomin, Junhui's girlfriend. Is Heechan on loudspeaker again?

"If she won't like the heels, buy her a pair of beige sneakers instead. Most preferably, Keds," I told her.

"Okay~" Heechan said.

"Oh! Her shoe size is 8, okay?" I assured my request.

"I know, I know" she sounded exasperated.

"Thank you~~~" I told her my gratitude.

So that's settled. Now, I'll get everything ready before Myeong-eun gets here. Starting from the living room, I swept the floor and arranged all that needs arranging. Hearing the doorbell ring, I got startled and went to open it. On my front door are Jeonghan and 10 Seventeen members with an agitated Junhui at the side. What's eating him up?


"So everybody will go out through the back door when we hear someone opening the gates," I explained again to them.

"What time might that be?" Jihoon asked me.

"I don't know," I glanced at the wall clock and sighed. "We might wait longer because she's not here yet," I bowed my head and started to worry again. I'm not used to waiting up for Myeong-eun until before 8 in the evening.

"Hey~" Minghao cooed at me while putting an arm over my shoulder. "She'll be home, hyung, don't worry too much." I just sighed. Please let her be safe and come here earlier.

"But can't we eat first? Mingyu is somehow eating the neckline of his shirt now," Wonwoo interrupted Minghao and me and pointed at Mingyu picking the hem of his shirt and biting the neckline.

"We'll all eat when Myeong-eun gets here. So you guys pray that she gets back here quickly," I sounded agitated too. "And Jun, we'll talk later," I told Junhui and he just nodded as a response.

After a few more minutes of waiting, there was a creak outside.

"She's here!" I half-shouted, half-whispered at everybody. "Hurry, hurry, go out now! Now! Now!" They need to get out now or the surpise will be ruined!!! I'm starting to panic!

When I'm sure that everybody's out, I hid under the bar and waited for someone to open the door. As the door opened, there she is. The love of my life, Na Myeong-eun. I hope she'll like my surprise... Then I suddenly remembered Heechan! I sent a quick SMS to her saying that they need to be here after midnight or so...

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