chapter 10

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I notice I’m not the only one who loves Spider Man since Ash was sitting in front of me quoting the whole movie with me. Once the movie was over she looked up at me and grinned. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who can quote the movie.” She giggles and gets up, me following right behind her. I pick up the last three movies and she takes two of them. Hobbit wins this time, Lila snatches the movie from my grasp as soon as I get off stage and she slides it into the player. I chuckle at her behavior, this is her favorite movie out of the four.

Ashlen and I retake our places and she makes her self comfy leaning back on my chest in her position from earlier. “If I fall asleep wake me up for abduction.” She whispers.

“Ok I will Ash don’t worry.” I whisper in her ear. She nods and a few strands of hair slip from behind her ear. I tuck them back in their spot and kiss her forehead, a shy grin slips onto her lips and she has to turn back to the movie to try to hide her blush.  I chuckle lightly and she looks back with a glare, her cheeks still tented pink. I wrap my arms around her waist and she lets a small yawn escape her lips. About half way through the movie I notice she was sound asleep in my arms. Once the movie was over I get Lila to take the last two movies up and not surprisingly Batman wins. I don’t watch half of the movie for my mind was focused on the beautiful girl sleeping in my arms.

Once Batman was over I gently kiss Ashlen’s forehead again and her eyes flutter open. “Hmm?” she questions.

“Abduction is about to start.” I whisper. She nods and rubs her eyes. Then Taylor Laughtner appears on the screen laying on the hood of a truck. She quotes almost everything up until half way through the movie until she falls silent. I peek around to see she was no other than asleep again. I smile to myself and very carefully wriggle out from under her without waking her. I pick her up gently and carry her back to my room with ease. I set her down on my bed, putting the only pillow left in my room behind her head. I slip back out of the room to the lounge and pick up the now folded blankets thanks to Lila. Luke helps me carry the pillows and blankets to my room. “Thanks man.” I whisper as he is about to walk out of the room.

“No problem.” He whispers back then softly clicks the door shut. I look over at Ashlen to see her sitting up in bed her eyes half way closed.

“Where did you go? You scared me.” she mumbles.

“I’m sorry angel, I went to get the blankets and pillows.” I tell her and brush the locks of hair from her eyes.

“D-don’t leave me, I thought you left me.” she whispers

“I would never leave you Ashlen.” I whisper as I slip into the bed beside her and she instantly puts a death grip on my white t- shirt.

“Don’t go, I got scared he would come.” She mumbles.

“Don’t worry, I’m here now.” I whisper in her ear. She loosens her grip and she slowly drifts back to sleep. It had taken me a while when she said he but then I remembered the bruises and her dad.  I pull the comforter of my bed up to her shoulders and she snuggles up close to my side, her head on my chest. She smiles in her sleep and I can’t help but to smile too. I hold her close and finally drift off to sleep.

I wake up to my sleeping beauty still beside me, her head still on my chest, my arms still around her waist, but now our legs where now intertwined.  Her eyes snap open at my sudden movement in alarm. “It’s just me, calm down.” I whisper she calms down at the sound of my voice and snuggles back into my chest.

“You scared me.” she grumbles. 

“I’m sorry angel, I didn’t mean too.” I tell her.

“What time is it?” she asks.

“Umm, 8 o’clock.” I inform her. “Do you want to go get breakfast?” I ask her. she nods and we scramble out of my bed. We head towards the mess hall not bothering to change knowing that not even a fourth of the pack would be up yet. We make our way towards the mess hall and I can easily pick up the scent of eggs, bacon, sausage, country ham, and fresh oranges. I lick my lips at the smell and Ashlen must be doing the same even though she doesn’t know it since she is licking her lips too.

“Gosh I’m still so tired.” she yawns.

“Come, on, get on.” I chuckle motioning for her to get on my back. She giggles but leaps onto me, lacing her arms around my neck. I hold her legs and she giggles as I spin around and her wavy hair goes flying behind her. I kick the door open and walk in, as soon as I open the door I instantly pick up the scent I haven’t smelt in forever. “STERLING!!” I yell and he spins around I run with Ashlen still on my back and he whirls around. He grins at my appearance, with a low rumbling chuckle.

“Drew!” he laughs as I approach him. “What did you guys do last night that you couldn’t get out of your pajamas?” he asks with yet another laugh.

“Last night was pack movie night.” I explain. Ashlen hops off my back and comes to stand beside me.

“You’re the oldest brother, right?” she asks. He nods in response.

“That’s me.” he chuckles. “And what’s your name?” he asks.

“Ashlen.” She replies, her voice cheerful and happy as she eyes the food.

“Come on, lets go get you some food.” I chuckle. “Sterling I’ll meet you at the table.” I tell him before Ashlen almost drags me away.

“Hey, is she your mate?” Sterling asks using mind link.

“Yes, but she doesn’t know anything about the pack and stuff, she thinks we use the term pack as referring to our group of friends and Alpha as a leader, she doesn’t know about the whole wolf part. We use the terms girlfriend and boyfriend instead of mate when we are around her.” I mind link him back.

“Wait but how?” he asks confused and startled.

“Her dad is Michael, Calhoun.” I inform him, still using mind link.

“Oh.” Is all he says back.

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