My Father the Drama Queen!

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My father found me in the morning wrapped like a boa around Alex's body. We ended up spending the whole night together but we didn't do anything except talk, cuddle and kissing. He found us sleeping on the couch. More like Alex was on the couch and I was on him.

Finding us that way was one thing. Screaming like a freaking ninny to wake us up is another. My father thought that the most hilarious way to wake us up was to scream like someone is dying. Belive me it worked because one moment I am cuddled up in Alex's arm and peacefully drifting off,the next moment I was kissing the floor. Alex was no better. He jolted awake (which led to me falling down) and tried to stand up but ended up next to me on the floor. Yeah that's what happens when someone sleeps on you like you are a mattress.

"Rise and shine kids! It's a beautiful morning and a lot to discuss. Chop chop!" Daddy dearest greeted us in his best showbiz voice.

"Seriously Blaine? Do you not possess a phone? This is seriously no way of waking anyone up!" Alex was stretching and rubbing his aching shoulders. He had the messy scrubby look down to a point but still looked smashing as hell. Yeah I have a hot boyfriend.

"Livvy stop eyeing Alex like he is a piece of chocolate that you want to eat. Mami and Papi would be coming in any moment. And bringing the cavalry along. Get up already!"

Sometimes I swear my father forgets who and what he is. Like right now when he is acting like a circus master high on weed. I am pretty sure he either has something very good to discuss or he just got an idea for a script.

Either way he managed to screw up every image I had of a perfect morning after last night. Waking up to your screaming father and greeting the floor is hardly romantic. But we were up and alert. So maybe my father succeeded in his objective. Not like his presence dissuaded Alex from kissing me.

"Good morning babe!" There's something inherently sweet about your boyfriend greeting you with a kiss first thing in the morning.

"Good morning!"

"So I guess your discussion went well last night?"

"Yeah! We are finally on the same page."

"So it's on? Operation Wrecking Ball is commencing then?"

"Operation what?"

"Operation Wrecking Ball. I thought our mission deserved a new name. So I came up with it after listening to the radio."

"Sometimes you scare me Blaine!"

"Me too!" What he may be my dad but he acts like he is my college going cracked up brother. "Hey Alex do you have an extra toothbrush?"

"Yeah it's in the bathroom cabinet. Come I'll show you."

"Just show her the toiletries and nothing else. We got work to do!"

"Oh shut it dad!"


"So what has you so excited in the morning that you had to wake us up by screaming like you're in a horror film?"

"We have a new development and a very interesting one!"

So that's what he was so excited about. Something had happened and it was positive news for us. Well can't wait to hear it. Except my father decided that he wanted to do the big reveal when the whole team was here. He said the news deserved it's own theatrical performance. Which meant that Alex and I had no choice but to pass the time by making snacks and breakfast (my boyfriend is a good host!)

Finally the cavalry came. Yes let's get this show on the road. But nope my father still insists on waiting. Here we are with all of my newly found friends and my Grandparents sitting in Alex's kitchen eating breakfast and waiting for the big reveal while my father is just wasting everyone's time with his dilly dallying. What the hell is he waiting for? A sign from God?

Rubina and Mami were sitting and talking about her engagement to my dad and the wedding plans. Cady and Adrian were currently arguing over the merits of a Bentley over the Porsche. Yeah Adrian and Cady were auto fanatics. Never in my life would I have ever imagined these two having a common interest.

While everyone was busy in their individual discussions, me and Alex were engaged in making goo-goo eyes over each other while eating breakfast. Yes we were at that stage. The goo-goo eyes stage.

The doorbell ringing shattered the romantic atmosphere we had built by feeding each other tiny morsels of food. But atleast it brought one more special person into the fold. Guess who was standing with dad in Alex's foyer? The mystery guest who Dad was waiting for to join our very special gathering was none other than my hippie doctor cousin Levison accompanied by hair stylist extraordinaire Rhonda Jackson. I didn't know they both were coming.

"Levi what are you doing here?"

"Believe me couz given a choice I would rather engage in packing my stuff for New York. But your father told me about operation Wrecking Ball and honestly I missed out on a lot of family drama last time. Can't miss more. So here I am as your newly appointed bodyguard."

"You are my bodyguard? What am I being guarded against?"

"Livvy you're spoiling my surprise! Will you let me start the proceedings? I'll provide time in the end for a Question and answer session." My father was in his drama queen mode. He was raring to go now that everyone was here. As much as I didn't want to deal with his theatrics there was no other way of knowing about his so called positive news and what he was planning against my mother and Ronald. So I had to bear it. Doesn't mean I was happy about it. I absolutely hated the fact that my father had ruined my perfect morning. So he better had something good to make up for it.

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