Happy feelings

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"Wow I can't believe I actually got her fired..." I thought to myself and smile while walking home "And since mom is at work she can't take me home... Not like she lives with me, anyway..." I said out loud to myself. "God, I need some friends!" I shout out to the sky.  "Ehh.. whatever at least I get to go home.." I smiled to myself. "I wonder if Ben is having 'fun' yet. At Miss Noak's class." I air-quoted 'fun'. Why I was talking to myself out loud in public.. I don't know.

Ben's P.O.V

Man (y/n) is so lucky.. first she gets Miss Noak fired, then she gets to go home. Man I swear she can be a bitch but I will always love her... wait.. did I just say that.. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a furious Miss Noak caught my attention. "BEN QUIT THINKING ABOUT THE GIRL FRIEND YOU WISH YOU HAD AND PAY ATTENTION!!" Miss Noak yelled, but I just rolled my eyes making her even madder if that was possible. God I can't wait til that bitch is gone...

        ~Timeskip to lunch~ (Brought to you by the milk man)

"Ugghhh..." I blurt out earning a look from my squad. "What's wrong with you Benny-Boo?" (F/n) asks me. "First off, don't call me that. Ever." I stopped to think of a way to tell (f/n) that I miss (y/n). "And uhh.." "Lemme guess you miss (y/n)? Right?" (F/n) crossed her arms. "Yeah..." I look down blushing a little. "Wait how did you know?!" I ask shocked. "Everyone knows you like her." (F/n) said, keeping her arms crossed. I didn't reply, not knowing what to say.

Your P.O.V.

As I was walking home, I smiled and couldn't help but to think about my very short day at school. "Man and that was just first period! I can't wait to see how the rest of my day plays out!" I punch the sky as I jump up and down. "Man, I'm so abusive... SORRY SKY!" I cup my mouth with my hands and look up as I apologized to the sky.

"Who are you talking to?" I hear someone behind me ask. Quickly, I turn around to see my friend, Joei who always skips out on school. "Uh.. is it okay for me to talk to myself, Joei?" I look at her crossing my arms. "Yeah. Sure, as long as it's not in public." She laughed a little and patted my head. "Don't pet me I am not a dog." I glared. Joei's eye widen and she put her hands up defensively. "Okay, okay I won't let it happen again! I promise!" She backed off "Okay!" I sounded happy again. Man talk about bipolar..

"Shouldn't you be at school?" Joei tilts her head. "Shouldn't you?" I cross my arms and look at her. "Touché" Joei smiles. "Welp I'm goin' home." I state and walk away waving at her. "Later (y/n)!" Joei says giving you the piece sign with her fingers.

~At Home~

"Someone's home early.." My mom called from the couch. "Yups!" I smile and walk to my room, and placing my back pack down next to my desk holding my computer and other things. "(Y/n), can you come over here for a minute?" Mom called from downstairs. "Sure thing, mom!" I said loud enough for her to hear me. Wait why is mom home? More importantly:  she could've taken me home!

Soon enough, I reached the couch, which my mom was currently sprawled out over. "Yeah, mom?" I looked over the back to see her. "Why are you home so early? (Y/n)? Did you get in trouble?!" She said in her 'mom voice'. "Why does everybody  think it's me who gets in trouble?!" I sound annoyed. "Wait mom, I have two questions." Mom does a gesture telling me go on. "One, why are you in (t/n)? {T/n = town name} And two, how and why are you in my house?"

She smiles. "First off maybe you shouldn't keep your house key under the mat. And second, I thought I'd drop by for a few days.." My mom replies causally flipping through channels on my flat-screen T.v. using my blanket. "Okay. Well it's good seeing you again." I say heading upstairs.


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