Now, I'm a guy, so this is all from our perspective. You have been warned.
Girls are confusing. Let me just start off with that. It's like one minute they want to spend all of their time with you, and the next they don't ever want to see you again and hate your guts. As I guy, I should know. I get the ass-end of this too many times. Since the girl never truly explains what happened that made them shun us, so we're left to wonder and worry. We don't know what's gonna happen next and if the girl is okay. We get sick, we pace, Hell, we might not eat for a good 24 hours because we're too busy throwing up. I think that we guys get more worried and scared than annoyed. We don't like change, and when the girl leaves us, it makes us talk to other people, especially if the girl's the one that we usually talk to. We stay up all night, we toss and turn in our sleep, and we wish that everything could go back to normal. Now, some of us guys are more forceful, demanding the girl tells us what's wrong, but that only ends up with two broken hearts and an unsolved problem. For us guys who are truly dedicated, we wait, even if it means worrying and not eating and balancing out the pros and cons of suicide. We wait because we understand. Everyone needs their space.
Well, actually I'm sorta an acceptation. I don't like space. It gets too quiet.
You know, I've never truly understood the concept of space. If humans were made for companionship, then why take that away? Why build a wall when you want what's on the other side? It's confusing and painful. Especially if the one that's pushing you away is the one you love.
...I'm sorry. I can't continue this one. It's like pouring lemon juice into a cut: it doesn't help. I'll be doing the next one soon, don't worry. With that, I'm off. [insert riding into the sunset reference here]