Intro/Chapter 1.

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Hailey Williamson


-October 31, 1993

-Used to live with Kinley and Carley

-Favorite Food is Baked Ziti Pasta

-Best friends are -- Kinley and Carley

Kinley Tyson


-March 11, 1993

-Lives with Carley

-Favorite food is Peanut Butter

-Best friends are -- Carley and Hailey

Carley Thomas


-September 21, 1993

-Lives with Kinely

-Favorite food is Tacos

-Best friends are -- Hailey and Kinley


Chapter 1.  

One Year Ago, July 4th, 2011.

"John!" I squealed, smiling at my brother. We were at our grandparents' old lake house, celebrating the 4th of July there with some friends. He had two of his and I had two of mine, also, my boyfriend was supposed to come up and join us.. That didn't happen. He had some lame excuse as to why he couldn't be there, which befuddled me because he said he was so excited to spend the weekend with me. I shrugged it off and focused on my brother and friends.

He threw me into the water, and I surfaced sending him a playful glare. I went over to the ladder and climbed back onto the dock. "Hey, can someone go out on the jet ski with me?" I asked and John's friend, Tucker, volunteered. John shot him a glare but let him go with me. Once we were out on the water, he yelled, "So, where's your little boyfriend?"

I shrugged, "Who knows, he blew me off." He nodded and after about ten minutes of riding he turned to me and said, "You wanna drive?" I nodded eagerly in response, so he shut off the engine and we switched spots. "Oh, before we start," He started and I turned to him, and he kissed me. My eyes widened and I pulled away, "Uh.." I said, and he just kinda looked away, "Listen, nobody hears about this, got it?" He asked and I nodded, facing forwards and starting the engine.

I drove back to the dock and then quickly got off. I rushed back up to the house and just sat down on the couch. Tucker. Just. Kissed. Me. My brother's childhood friend, who I have pictured as an older brother my entire life, kissed me. Although, it didn't feel wrong. Well, yes it did, but only because I'm dating Blake, not like he's here or acknowledges me or anything.. Is it wrong that I liked it? Or what's probably worse is that I'm dying to do it again.

I stood up, I'll probably regret this later, but I don't care right now. I rushed out to Tucker, and pulled him into the shed that kept all of the tools and boat stuff in it. "Hailey, what the-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his.


I walked out of the shed, flipping my hair around to try and hide some of the mess. I ran up to the house, turning around every once in a while so I could see Tucker's amused face emerge from the shed. I rolled my eyes and smiled, first time I've had affection in a long ti- BLAKE?! I froze and my eyes widened, what is he doing here?!

"B-Blake," I stuttered out and he turned and smiled at me, "Hey babe!" He yelled, rushing over to me and pulling me into a hug, oh great. I forced a smile and hugged back, right as I heard a cough. We parted to find Tucker glaring at Blake and John looking somewhat bored. "Alright, well, the bonfire will be starting in about fifteen minutes," John said and I nodded, turning to Blake, "What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't come?" I questioned and he shrugged, giving me a fake smile, "I wanted to come see you, and the boys."

That answered my question right there, he didn't trust me. He never does, and this time I suppose he has a reason not to. But, I wouldn't have kissed Tucker if Blake did more than hug me and hold my hand every once in a while! My fake smile faded, "So, you came here to make sure I didn't so anything?"

He pretended to be hurt, "No! Of course I trust you babe!" He said, his hand started to raise but quickly came back down upon seeing Carley. "Hey, Carley!" He greeted and she didn't evern pretend to be happy to see him. "Hi Blake, surprised you're not off fu-" He stopped her, "What's that supposed to mean?" He growled, and I raised an eyebrow, "Uh, Carley? Do you know something I don't?" I asked, she opened her mouth but Blake grabbed my arm and yanked me inside the house before I could hear the answer.

"You don't believe her, do you?" He asked, and I just looked down. I felt a stinging on my cheek and I realized he slapped me. "Answer me!" He screamed causing me to flinch. "Do you not trust me? Huh?! After all I've done for you?!" He yelled in my face, and I backed up. "Whatever, lousy bi-" I cut him off by slapping him back, I don't know where the confidence came from, but I like it. Or at least I did until it resulted in me getting slapped about ten times harder. 

Some tears fell and somehow I managed to get past him and out to my brother,Tucker, and Jake. "John," I cried out, and he snapped his head towards me. "Hailey, Hailey what's wrong?!" He gushed, and I hugged him. Deciding not to tell him, "Oh, uh, nothing," I quickly covered, "I guess I'm just emotional right now, sorry." I forced a smile and we all went down to where we're having the bonfire. 

"Where's Blake?" John asked, and I shrugged, "Here I am!" Blake yelled, making me flinch, thankfully no one noticed. He put his arm around me, squeezing my shoulder lightly, "I'm so sorry, babe," He whispered in my ear and I forced a smile, "It's alright," I said quietly, we all sat down. "Happy Fourth of July, everybody!" Carley slurred, falling into my brother's lap. I rolled my eyes as they kissed, and then Carley had the brightest idea, "Hey, how 'bout we do stomach shots?!" Her drunken self suggested, "Yeah!" My brother agreed, and then the two started doing them. 

I shook my head and get some shots of my own. 

After about thirty minutes almost every single one of us was drunk, except for Jake and Kinley. I went up to my room and then Blake and I cuddled until we fell asleep. 

The next morning I woke up to no Blake and a scream. I walked into the hall to see Tucker standing over my brother's lifeless body. The knife was in my doorway, blood coming from my room, what? 

"What?! What happened?! John! John!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. And that's when it all began.. 


Hey, it's lillie, hope you liked the chapter! Comment, vote, and add! 

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