Chapter 2.

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{Liam P.O.V.}

We were in the middle of the familiar conference room, waiting to hear what the news were. We all sighed in anticipation; we had no clue what this was about. I had a feeling it was about the recent scandal that the band had gone through. 

I mentally scolded Harry and Zayn both, shaking my head slightly. I earned a weird look from Niall, but just shrugged and focused on the clock; thinking about what happened.


I woke up, walking into the living room; the telly was on. I sleepily rubbed my eyes, grabbing the remote to turn the it off; something stopped me. "Breaking News in the celebrity world: Zayn Malik was seen holding hands, hugging, even canoodling!" The hostess exaggerated, I was definitely awake now! Intently listening too. 

"You'll never guess who it was with?!" She exclaimed, I couldn't wait to hear this, "Newly engaged... Cher Lloyd!" My jaw dropped as she continued, "How do you think her fiancé feels about that? My guess is not too good." The other hostess laughed, nodding in agreement before saying, "Man! The boys of One Direction are on the rocks! Zayn was caught with engaged Cher Lloyd, while dating Little Mix's Perrie Edwards by the way, and Harry Styles was caught with yet another older woman!" The hostess prolonged the word 'another,' adding emphasis. "Zayn!" I screamed, hoping to wake him. 

"Who was it this time Jessica?" The first hostess asked, and 'Jessica' smirked before answering, "Megan Hitly!" I covered my face with my hands, now they've done it. "You mean.. married Megan?!" The other hostess exclaimed, causing her to nod. "Ouch, man, maybe One Direction should learn to keep it in their pants?" The other hostess joked, causing 'Jessica' to playfully smack her. "Anna!" Ahh, finally learned her name- what am I doing? 

I quickly turned off the telly and turned to face a hung-over, half asleep, shuffling Zayn. "What?" He groaned, I just glared, "Have fun with Cher?" I asked, his eyes widened. "How do you know about that?" He gasped, seeming fully awake. "Oh, E! News was very interested in the One Direction boys who can't "keep it in their pants," I said, putting up air quotes around keep it in their pants. 

"What?!" He yelled, right as his phone rang. He groaned, knowing it was management. "Hello," He said quietly, "Zayn Malik!!" was blared through the phone, I cringed knowing he'd get a lecture from Simon. I gently patted his shoulder as I walked by, "Good luck, mate," I whispered, and he glared.

Simon walked in after I relived the dreadful memory. "Boys," He sternly greeted before sitting down, "I'm here to tell you about the next publicity stunt." My eyebrow raised, and he just ignored me, continuing, "So, there's this girl, she comes from a bad home life. When she was fourteen she was caught with drugs and alcohol; although she wasn't convicted. She is being accused of murdering her older brother, but can't afford a lawyer, or get a fair trial at this point."

"Isn't that illegal?" Niall interjected and Simon shrugged, "Apparently not, so, for at least the next year, you're going to help her. She will also live with you," Simon said simply, "What?!" We all yelled standing up. "We're going to be living with a murderer?!" Louis screamed, and Simon winced, "Listen, she didn't do it. There are witnesses, they know for a fact she didn't, they just aren't sure who did it." Simon explained, I calmed down, understanding that she was most likely innocent; the other boys didn't.

"Guys, let's just meet her, see what she's like?" I suggested, they all looked at me like I was insane and I rolled my eyes. "Listen, you two," I said, pointing to Harry and Zayn, "Screwed up, got us bad publicity, and now Simon is trying to clean up your mess. Plus, I'm sure this girl could use all the help she can get," I scolded, and they all looked down, obviously realizing this girl needs our help and it will help us too. 

"Thank you for that, Daddy D. Now," Simon said, clapping his hands and smiling, "I'm going to send you to the states, over to West Palm Beach, Florida." 


"Yeah, we got off alright," I said into the phone, Simon was checking up. "Okay, Liam, go to the West Beach Plaza Hotel. There you will meet two girls, Carley and Kinely. They're Hailey's best friends, they've been helping as much as they can. I've already spoken with them so they know you're coming, and you're disguises. You have them on, correct?" He double checked and I looked at us all, "Yes Si, calm down, we're fine. Now, goodbye, we've got to meet the girls." I ended the call only to see Zayn and Harry stare at the mention of girls. 

"No. You two have caused enough trouble when it comes to girls, they're. Off. Limits." I said sternly,  Zayn put his hands up in defense, Harry just looked down. 

"What are their names?" Niall asked, I thought for a minute trying to remember, "Umm, "Carley and, uhh Kinely?" I said, and they all nodded. After a few minutes of silence, we arrived to the hotel. I opened the door, walking into the lobby. "Harry, stay with Liam while Zayn and I go look for the girls," Niall said, and then we split up. After getting the room keys, getting the luggage taken up, and texting Simone giving an update, we finally went to meet the girls. 

"Harry, Liam, this is Carley and Kinely," Niall introduced, we shook their hands. I noticed the way Harry smiled at Kinely and sent him a warning glance. We all sat down, Kinely being the first one to speak, "Thank you, so much for all of this, really. When we've tried to reach out to others and get help, they send us away, judging the situation. Hailey is innocent. There were seven of us there that night, four of us near John's room." 

"And, I mean, why is Hailey in prison? Her first attorney said they didn't have enough evidence to arrest her. Plus, they aren't even looking for other suspects. I was his girlfriend and they don't even suspect me. I'm not saying I'm guilty or anything, but why wouldn't they? They always do on the crime shows.." Carley trailed off, and we all slightly chuckled. "Well, I will admit, we were a bit hesitant at first. Of course seeing as she needed help and we needed good publicity, thanks to dumb and dumber over here," I said, jeering my thumb behind me to Zayn and Harry, "We decided to do it." 

They gave a grateful smile which I returned. "Well, where's Hailey now?" Niall asked, as if he hadn't heard any of that. "Well, it's difficult to explain. She hasn't been given a trail yet, and they can't technically arrest her because they don't have supporting evidence. So, in a way she's under house arrest in a penthouse apartment. You'll get to meet her after we go to dinner," Kinely answered kindly. 

"Yes!" Niall exclaimed and we all laughed at his reaction to the mention of food, typical. We followed the girls out of the hotel and down the street to a small diner called 'Hang Loose' and it had what would be hang ten if you did it with your hands. (Picture on side.)


"That.. That was almost better than Nando's," Niall gasped then covered his mouth with his hands, "No! I didn't mean that!" We all laughed at him and Carley went over, linking her arm with his and setting her head on his shoulder. I rolled my eyes, it's always Niall, Harry and Zayn getting the girls. 

I huffed, shoving my hands into my pockets. What's wrong with me? Am I jealous? No, I can't be jealous I've barely known this girl for 4 hours. There's no way I already fancy her, although she's very beautiful. 

"So, you guys want to meet Hailey tomorrow?" Carley asked, still gripping onto Niall as we walked back. And all of us guys looked at each other, do we? 


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