Operation Bandit: Origin

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Dan and Phil were normal men, with normal lives and normal relationships. Dan was a lawyer with a beautiful wife and two children. Phil was an English teacher who was married to a successful business woman and had a baby on the way.

They were perfectly normal. Until one day, they weren't.


"Night babe," Phil mumbled, kissing his wife's baby bump before wrapping an arm around her and falling into a deep sleep.


"Goodnight kids," Dan kissed the top of his children's heads before turning off the light and shutting the door behind him. He walked up behind his wife, who was typing away on her computer, sending emails to her employees. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he dropped a kiss to her shoulder.

"You coming to bed babe?" He mumbled, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I'm busy Dan, maybe in a bit," She muttered, not even pausing her work to answer him. He sighed and kissed her cheek before walking into their bedroom and getting into bed. He fell asleep quickly, too tired to wait up for his wife.


Blinking his eyes open, Phil rolled over. He spotted something in the shadows and gasped, sitting up quickly. There was someone there. The man brought his finger to his lips, signalling that he should be quiet.

"Baby, what is it?" Stevie, his wife, mumbled, sitting up next to him.

"There's someone over there," He whispered, maintaining eye contact with the man.

"No there isn't, go back to sleep," She muttered, falling back onto the bed. Phil kept his eyes trained on the man as he walked out of the shadows and closer to Phil.

"Who are you?" Phil asked his voice hoarse.

"Rupert. Rupert Blue."


It was almost midnight and Dan's wife still wasn't awake. He had slept for awhile, but the nightmares that plagued his sleep awoke him and stopped him from falling back to sleep. Yawning, he climbed out of bed and went to find his wife, but when he got to the office she wasn't there. Frowning, he turned around and gasped when he saw a man standing there. He blinked a couple of times to check he wasn't dreaming, but he wasn't.

"Who are you?" He asked, trying to keep the shock out of his mouth.

"Rupert. Rupert Blue."


Before Phil could reply, the man had walked closer to him and with a flash and a bang, Phil wasn't in his bedroom anymore. His heart was racing and his fists were clenched. Looking around, he saw a dark cave.

"Where the hell am I?!" He demanded, staring at the Rupert man. With a chuckle and a flash of light, he was gone.


"What the hell are you doing in my house?!" Dan asked, trying to hide how scared he was. What if this Rupert guy was a murderer!

"I'm taking you away Dan, but don't worry, you'll be okay," Rupert smirked and quickly reached out for Dan's wrist. With a flash of light, Dan fell to the rough floor.

"Where am I?" Dan screamed, getting up off the floor and moving to punch Rupert, but before his fist could make contact, he was gone.


Phil sat in the cave. He had given up looking for an escape, there clearly wasn't one. After a couple of hours, or what felt like a couple of hours, another boy fell into the cave. He shot up, but before he could demand an answer, Rupert was gone. He stared over at the brown haired boy.

"Hey," He called out, making Dan jump. He shot around and started at Phil.

"Who are you? Where am I?" He asked, his voice getting exceedingly louder.

"I'm Phil, and I have no idea," Phil chuckled, shaking his head.

"You don't know! Well, how long have you been here? How did we even get here? Who's that creepy guy!" Dan rambled, spitting out questions at the speed of light.

"I've been here a couple of hours, I guess we were teleported, and the creepy guy is Rupert Blue," the black haired boy answered as best he could. He didn't have a whole lot of answers either.

"Teleported? That's not possible!" Dan replied stubbornly, starting to pace around the small space.

"Well if you can come up with an answer as to how we got here, I'll gladly listen," Phil offered, leaning back against the rocky wall. Dan didn't answer and they spent the next hour or so in silence, Dan pacing around the cave and Phil carving his name into the wall with a piece of rock he found on the floor.

It seemed like it had been days when there was a flash of light and a loud bang that sent Dan flying to the floor. Rupert chuckled as Dan picked himself up off the floor and brushed the dirt off his black jeans.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Phil asked, pushing off the rock he was sitting on and walking closer to the short man.

"You're here because we need you," The man replied shortly, grabbing both their wrists and teleporting them out of the cave. When they landed, the two boys looked around and gasped in amazement. They were surrounded by tall purple toadstool like plants, the sky was a light purple colour and the whole place felt magical. There were colourful plants and trees of all kinds and Dan swore he could hear the trickling of a river nearby.

"Welcome to Alissia!" Rupert exclaimed, lifting his hands into the air and spinning around. Neither Dan nor Phil could believe what they were seeing. Suddenly a group of 100 or so fairies flew out from inside one of the purple toadstools, fluttering off into the sky.

"Alissia?" Phil asked, breaking out of the trance.

"You're about 10,000,000 light years away from home my friend," A red haired lady commented, walking up the three men.

"Who are you?" Dan asked, wondering is he was going mad.

"I'm Agent Piper," She stuck her hand out to shake both their hands, "pleasure to meet you."

"Alright, alright, enough. We need to get down to business," Rupert rudely interrupted.

"Yes yes, you're quite right, come with me boys," Agent Piper rambled, swiftly walking away in the opposite direction, not checking to see if the boys were behind her. They jogged to catch up with her, walking as fast as they could to keep up with her. After a few minutes, she came to a stop, causing Dan to bump into her.

Piper tugged her necklace off and pressed down on the star-shaped metal, causing it glow a little before the ground started shaking slightly. The boys jumped back as a hole in the ground appeared, showing a dark staircase.

"Follow," she said sharply, hurrying down the dark staircase. They exchanged glances but quickly followed. The exit closed and they were plunged into darkness. Before they could freak out, Agent Piper pushed a door open and they hurried through it.

The room was huge, swords and other types of weaponry lined the walls. People were hurrying in and out of the room constantly, all talking to each other and filling the room with chatter.

"Welcome to Operation Bandit!"

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