Chapter 26

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“So then you say that the man in question – Mr. Styles, could you stop doing that for just a few seconds,please?”

Harry looked up from where he had been affectionately nuzzling Louis’ neck, paused and stared at the police officer like the man had lost his mind. Louis was all but sat in Harry’s lap; they were so close that they almost looked like the same person. Louis was leaning back against Harry while Harry rubbed his cheek against Louis’ shoulder and nibbled his jugular every now and then, and understandably it was more than a little hard to concentrate with that going on.

“I don’t think so,” Harry said, so simply that it didn’t even sound rude. He truly didn’t believe he could stop.

Shaking his head wearily, the police officer made an obvious effort to ignore Harry’s relentless assault of cuddling and went back to his notebook. “All right, never mind. You claim, Mr. Tomlinson, that the man took one look at you and then aimed a gun straight at you, is that so?”

“I, ah…” Louis knew that mere seconds ago he’d had an answer to that question, but he was struggling to remember it with Harry breathing seductively down his neck, causing the hairs on his arms to stand on end. “He…uh…” All of a sudden, he’d turned into Harry; his voice was slow and faltered at every other word.

“Mr. Tomlinson?”

Harry was the devil. He nibbled carefully on the sensitive skin underneath Louis’ jaw, chuckling at the way Louis’ breath caught in his throat and all coherent thoughts exited his brain like they’d never been there in the first place. Biting down hard on his lip, Louis wriggled in Harry’s embrace and tried not to show how desperately he wanted to throw the policemen out and just fall straight to the floor and tangle his and Harry’s bodies together until they were almost the same person.

“I – oh! Sorry, what?”

“Perhaps, if it isn’t too much trouble, you could focus on the matter in hand, Mr. Tomlinson?”

“Um…” Louis breathed, and his fingers found purchase in Harry’s hair and stayed there, gripping tightly, as Harry bit down on his neck and refused to let go, determined to mark him, to leave a deep, aching reminder that Louis was his, something that would hurt a little when Louis touched it and would take weeks to heal – and there would be plenty more to accompany it by then.

“Oh!” Snapping his notebook shut, the older policeman shook his head. “I give up. We’ll get nothing out of the two of you today. Go! Go and do what you have to do; we’ll call again in the morning and sort things out.” The two men stood up ready to leave.

“Thank you,” Louis managed to force out. He tried to get to his feet and show the men out, but the older man waved him away.

“It’s all right, we’ll see ourselves out,” he said dryly. “You two have things to be getting on with, I think.”

The moment the door had clicked shut, Louis found himself in Harry’s arms – properly in his arms, being carried like he was some kind of enormous baby. Harry’s lips found their way onto his and he kissed Louis almost feverishly for a moment or so, their mouths moving carefully together as Harry once again familiarized himself with everything he’d lost.

“I love you,” he whispered the moment he could bear to break the kiss.

Louis’ only answer was a moan as he pulled Harry’s head back down so they could kiss again. Without pulling away, Harry lifted Louis off the sofa and struggled through the doorway to the bedroom, carrying him over the threshold, and then he laid him carefully down on the bed and threw himself down on top of him, relentlessly layering kisses down his cheeks and neck. His hands shook as he fought to drag Louis’ shirt over his head, but before too long it was on the floor, and he was caressing every inch of the recently showered body that lay beneath him. Louis had showered and changed his clothes, but he might as well not have bothered putting them on, because before all too long his shirt, trousers and boxers were all on the floor, and Harry’s were halfway there. Louis gave a helpless little cry against Harry’s shoulder as Harry gave him his weight, and his hands were sure of themselves as he traced delicate, careful lines down Louis’ ribs, which were far too visible for his liking.

Captive Of Lies Book 2(Imprisoned in my Heart trilogy...Larry)Where stories live. Discover now