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I was talking to my friends and this little kid walked up and corn dogged all of us and when he did I said "ew" and he said "ew what your face god you look like an octopus mixed with a squid" then I said "thank you" "and a nerd and cyborg I don't even know what that is" he said "its half human half robot" I said "of course you would know that" then he kept talking about me

Time skip to when I got home

All I could think about was how that I have been talked about behind my back but never that much to my face and I started crying then I got in the shower and when I got out of the shower I said to my self forget it and I took my razor and cut myself five times then I put the razor on my dresser and did my hair

No one should be bullied if you are I feel so bad for you also I know what you are going through because I have been bullied ever since kindergarten if it was by people who I THOUGHT were my friends or from my cousins so if you are against bullying comment in the box stop bullying it would help me know that I'm not the only one

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