jealousy and chad

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Chad is my friend I met him last year and we were friends but I had a crush on him and Jullian knew I DONT LIKE HIM ANY MORE!!

it was after gym and Jullian was in the office and he knew I had gym so he was walking towards me and I was talking to Chad and my friend jack and Jullian walked up split it up so that it was chad then him then me then jack and started pushing jack when ever I am around Jullian always pushes any guys I am talking to unless I hold his hand or put my hand on his shoulder. But its not only around chad its any guy

Time rewind in gym (a class I don't have with Jullian)

I was in gym class and talking to my friend about Jullian and chad walked in and was being stupid so I called him an "idiot" and he said "Jullian is an idiot" but the thing is when ever I say any thing about Jullian chad has a weird look on his face then chad said "my face hurts" I said "are there people stabbing your face" he said "yeah" then he showed me his teeth and he got his braces off I said "Oh you got your braces off" he said "Yeah finally but it feels weird" b ever since me and Jullian were dating chad has been talking to me more

Comment if you think Jullian is jealous or if chad likes me

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