Night 6: THE FINAL NIGHT!! part 2

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(This song is once again uploaded by natewantstobattle and is such a perfect way to end the series. Enjoy.)

Ruby charged at Springtrap. He dodged to the left and Ruby missed, Springtrap kicked her legs as Ruby dashed past him, causing her to fall to the ground. Springtrap lunged at her face with the metal rod, Ruby rolled away and springtrap actually stabbed the rod into the ground, through the metal flooring. Ruby turned her weapon to gun mode and shot at him. the bullets hit the animatronic suit and the damage was absorbed by the pattened leather and metal insides. Springtrap charged, Ruby jumped up and flipped over his head and ended up behind him, then Ruby shot at his back. This time, she got a lucky shot and hit the purple body underneath the armor. Spring trap stumbled forwards ad turned around, lashing the electric wires at her. Ruby blocked it with her scythe, but the electricity spread from the wires, into her weapon, and into her arms. Ruby felt the energy jolt up her spine into her brain. She fell to the ground, but before touching it, Springtrap whacked her in the head with the rod and sent her flying into a table. It broke into many pieces. Ruby stood up and dodged to the right as spring trap threw a table at her. Ruby stood up to catch breath, but ST was on it in a flash and grabbed her by the throat. He started choking her. Ruby used all her strength to hold her weapon up a few inches, and shot ST in the foot. He dropped her and fell onto the showstage. Ruby swung at him, but he flipped backwards and Ruby ended up stabbing the stage itself.

yang and Golden Freddy were exchanging blows. Yang couldn't seem to do anything to his bulky animatronic body. GF would always manage to dodge a blow that would have actually hurt. Yang charged a punch and swung at him with all her might, but missed and gave GF an attack of opportunity. He grabbed her arm that she punched with and he threw her into the ground. She felt the pressure that was put on her ribcage. He then threw her into a wall, causing her back to make a loud pop sound. He then threw her behind him, and let her go. She flew into pirate cove. Yang stood up, weakened, and saw the inside of Pirate cove. It was a play area with tubes and arcade machines and even a few carnival games, like duck fishing. GF then jumped up behind her and kicked her in the sore back, into the duck fishing game. The water was a lot deeper than she suspected. It was like a freakin' 4 foot deep pool. She ducked into the water, but GF reached his hand in and pulled her out by the hair. Yang then kicked him in the gut, and used all her remaining strength to punch him in the face. The explosion erupted and GF fell to the ground. Yang reloaded her weapon as golden Freddy got up. He had a strand of Yang's hair in his hand. Yang saw it too, and entered rage mode. She hit him with a flurry of blows, they made him flinch, but none seemed to do any damage. He then blocked a attack and went for a headbutt, but Yang grabbed his head and rammed it into an arcade machine. His head hit the glass and got electrocuted. The electricity jumped through his body, and hit Yang as well, but it only made her stronger. She pulled his head out and threw him into the pool. The animatronic electricity shocked the water and GF fell silent. "Sorry kid." Yang whispered to the dead GF before running out of pirate cove.

Blake and Weiss were not holding up nearly as well. Blake took on Freddy and Puppet, Weiss took care of Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica. If you could even call it "Taken care of" Blake swung at puppet, and he dashed backwards to avoid everything. Freddy threw a mini Freddy at her and it bit her leg. Blake fell to the ground and shot the little bastard in the head. It flew backwards from the force. Blake stood up and got punched in the gut by puppet, and it was turned into an uppercut. Blake flew straight into the air and Puppet jumped up too, and kicked her at Freddy. She flew towards him and he punched her in the face. Hitting the ground with a thud. Blake stood up and puppet charged. Blake jumped up and dropped a shadow clone. The puppet hit the clone and his arm became frozen. Blake threw the grappling hook down at him and it hit him in the face. Puppet stumbled backwards and Blake dashed towards him with her sword. Freddy jumped in front of her and did a jumpscare scream. Blake dashed to the left and avoided an incoming punch. She jumped behind Freddy and stabbed him in the back, followed by slashing the puppet's mask off. They both fell to the ground. Blake sheathed her sword and moved to assist Weiss.

Weiss tried desperatlly to get one hit. She went for a stab at the chicken and Bonnie snuck up out of nowhere and drop kicked her back, then Fox would punch her in the face, sending her tumbling to the ground. Weiss stood up and dodged a flurry of hook slashes. Then Chica threw her nightmare cupcake at her. It bounced off the ground and lunged at her face. Weiss held up her sword and the little criter started chewing on it. Weiss swung her sword around trying to get it off. It went flying and Foxy slashed at her. Weiss tried to dodge but still felt a scratch across her right cheek, blood leaked from the wound. She used a glyph to jump in the air and dodge a Bonnie roundhouse kick. Bonnie then quickly drew his guitar and smashed it against her face as she was in the air. The front guitar bit smashing into a dozen pieces. Weiss fell to the ground and the critter cupcake ran up to her. She shot an ice blast at it and it froze in an ice block. Weiss jumped up and dodged another dropkick, this time from Chica. This time, she knew to duck and foxy missed with his hook. Weiss dashed past him and slashed his side. Oil leaked from his wound. Weiss dashed back towards him and tried to stab him, but he turned around and kicked her in the face. Weiss stumbled back and Chica slapped her across the face, her wound getting bigger. Bonnie dashed towards her and uppercut her face and kicked her into the wall. Weiss could barely walk. The robot ghosts quickly cornered her. Then Blake showed up and summoned two shadow clones, each one took a robot, the surprised robots easily were destroyed. After each fell, Blake helped Weiss up and helped her walk down the hallway, where they planned on helping the others in the fight. 

Ruby and Springtrap were exchanging blows. ST wacked the rod and struck her in the gut, and then he kicked her in the face. Ruby jumped up and pointed her gun at him, and shot him in the side of the belly. Blood gushed from the wound. ST raged out and ran at her. He swiped at her for a hook punch, but Ruby jumped up, over his head and flipped. Shooting him in the back of the head. She slashed her scythe and ST blocked with the rod, followed by him shooting wires from his hand and electrocuting her in the gut. Ruby slacked slightly, and ST wacked her across the head with the rod. He then punched her in the face and sent her flying off the stage. Yang came out of pirate cove and saw her sister, near death. She entered rage and dashed at him. ST blocked her three jabs with the metal rod and then electrocuted her, he then grabbed her neck and shoved her into a wall. He then punched her in the gut, causing her to lose her breath. He then extended the rod from his fist. The metal went through Yang's belly, blood coming from the wound. Yang screamed in pain. ST smiled. He removed his hand and grabbed the back of her hair, and threw her into the ground. he then shot the wires out and electrocuted her. Her body froze up. She could no longer scream. ST let out an evil laugh. Ruby stood up, and saw the horror show that laid before her. She yelled "NOO!" While shooting at Springtrap. She shot him in the wrist and it moved slightly so that he stopped electrocuting Yang. He looked to his left and saw Ruby. He met her rage with a smile. Ruby reloaded her weapon and dashed at him. He dodged to the left and ran into the storage closet, locking the door behind him. Ruby pounded on the door, slashed at it, even tried shooting it, the heavy steel door would not give way. She knelt down next to it, and cried. Her sister's killer would get away- wait, HER SISTER. Ruby dashed over to the showstage, and saw Yang, face-up on the floor, her stab wound had a black inside, fried from electricity. She looked at Ruby, and gasped, and closed her eyes. Her body fell silent. Weiss and Blake entered the room and saw Ruby, they soon joined her in sorrow. After about five minutes, Ruby then stood up, and looked towards the killer's escape route. He would not get away with this.....

End of Part 2........(Sorry, there'll be another part)

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