Night 6, Part 3: THE REAL FINALE!!!

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(This finale song is once again uploaded by natewantstobattle, enjoy.)

The remainders of team RWBY grabbed a table and Ruby counted. "One, two, THREE!" They used the table as a battering ram and broke through the door. They all drew their weapons and entered the room. The toy animatronic bodies were on the floor and leaning against a wall. They moved to the edge of the room, and cornered the enemy. Purple guy..... Springtrap.... the killer. The three friends aimed their weapons and ST turned around, and face them.
R: It's over, MURDERER
ST: Hah, you think? I still have a trick or few up my sleeve....
W: Try it!
R: why would we want him too?
W: I was being- whatever.
ST: prepare for a show!

Springtrap's arm reached into a hole in his suit made by Ruby's gunshot. The damaged body underneath made a disgusting squishy sound. Weiss felt like gagging. Ruby was near puking. ST pulled his hand out, and he was holding a bloody remote control. It had three buttons. A tiny green one, a tiny white one, and a big red one in the center. ST laughed and pushed the red one, and the gang heard the familiar sound of animatronics powering up. They looked behind them, and all the toys stood up, and their eyes turned coal black with a tiny white dot in the center of each. Their friendly smiles vanished, and were replaced with angry frowns. T.Bonnie turned his guitar over, and revealed the edge to be razor sharp. T.Chica took off her beak and revealed razor sharp teeth. Mangle broke out of her normal robot suit and into the creepy mangle we see in the games. A naked endoskeleton crawled out from the air vents, and another come into the room from the door. Balloon Boy turned his balloon sign so the kids could see the rusted nail at the end of it. A purple version of balloon boy entered the room. Mangle crawled on the ceiling towards them. The other robots followed on foot. ST snuck away into the air vents. Weiss told Ruby, "Go! Avenge your sister. We'll hold these toys off." Ruby thought about this. Help her friends, or avenge a loved one. Ruby chose. "I need to stay with you guys, you are far more important." "But....What about-" Blake started, but then nodded. The last of the team, were going up against an entire army.


Weiss charged first, slashing through one of the endoskeletons, then the other. Their oil spilled all over the floor. Toy bonnie ran up and blocked Weiss's sword stab with his guitar, and smashed her in the head with it. Mangle dropped from the ceiling onto Weiss's back, and began strangling her from behind. Blake ran to her to assist, but the two other toys got in her way, Freddy threw his tophat and Blake blocked with her sword, and she shot him in the throwing arm twice. Toy chica charged and tackled Blake to the ground. Blake punched her in the face and her beak flew off. Chica then hit her in the face with her plastic cupcake. Ruby ran at balloon boy, he jumped up and dodged a slash to the left, then Ruby swung upwards and slashed him in half. She ran to Blake and cut Chica's head off. Weiss then stabbed Bonnie in the gut and set him on fire. He quickly fell apart. Ruby dashed at Freddy as he was about to hit Weiss, and shot his head off, metal bits flew in every direction. Having finished the robot army, the team went through the door Springtrap used to escape. It led to stairs going into the basement. They proceeded cautiously. They saw what Weiss saw down here before, and they got to the room where the ghost kids impersonated purple guy's death. Ruby placed her hand on the doorknob, and two pitch black, dark figures went through the doors. It was shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie. They lunged at Blake and Weiss. They fended them off long enough for Ruby to get away into the room.

Ruby stood in the long, dimly lit room. Springtrap was standing on the other side. 
ST: So, it all comes down to this.
Ruby: I can't believe that a person can be so cruel.
ST: A.....person? You haven't figured it out, have you?
Ruby: wait, are you saying-
ST: White eyes. Completely one color. Can survive being crushed inside a animatronic suit and losing all his blood. It should be obvious.....
Ruby: you're.......a DEMON!
ST: bingo. I possessed the body of the first night guard, and I used him to kill the kids and used magic to seal them inside the robot bodies. Every night I fill them with hate. With every kill, hell got fuller and the dead would soon walk the Earth. But then you showed up and ruined everything!........almost.
Ruby: what are you talking about, you sick Bastard?!
ST: at the end of every night, the place resets itself, as you noticed. At the end of every week, the animatronic suits reset and rebuild themselves, once again trapping the ghosts inside. Also, I filed a complaint to the manager so you can't be here next week. Who h means, this was your last night to fix this! Now, look at the clock.

Ruby looked at the clock, and gasped.
She turned to face her entity, and he laughed. Acting out of rage, ruby charged at him and slashed at him with her scythe, he blocked with the metal rod that extended from his hand. He then shot wires at her and she got electrocuted. She fell to the ground, and Springtrap kicked her across the room. She fell on a desk in the far corner of the room, and it split in two. Springtrap let out an evil laugh as ruby lost the strength to stand. ST walked over to her, and picked up a heavy box, and was about to drop it on ruby, when Weiss and Blake ran into the room and shot him in the gut. He stumbled back and Weiss dashed towards him, and stabbed him with her sword. His insides froze from the ice magic that coated the blade. Weiss pulled the sword out, jumped on top of his head, and kicked off of him. Blake charged then and cut him in the knee. Springtrap knelt down and tried to smack her with the metal rod, but she dodged and stabbed him in the back, followed by shooting him in the back of the head. He fell into the wall, and ruby stumbled back up to her feet. She walked over to him, using her weapon as a walking stick. The three team members stood over a near dead Springtrap, and ruby switched her scythe to gun mode, and blasted his head to smithereens. Springtrap died for good.

The team walked back to the party area, where yang laid dead on the showstage, the tables were destroyed, and the ghosts of the robots were waiting. Ruby walked up to them, and spoke.
Ruby: sorry kids, we couldn't free you in time. Everything is ruined, there is no way for you to go free.....
Weiss: we hope you can accept our apology. And, at least your killer is now dead for good.
Blake: there anything we can do about yang?
Ruby teared up at the mention of her sister's name. She silently walked to the showstage, and held her dead sister in her arms. She was so much lighter now. Ruby held yang close and cried. She flashbacked through everything they had been through.....all the ups, the downs, their missions, their childhoods, everything. Weiss noticed the kids walking up to Ruby. One of the kids put her hand on Ruby's shoulder, and spoke softly as ruby turned her head to face the ghost's transparent face. "We can help." The kid said silently. Ruby put her dead sister on the only not destroyed table in the room. And the ghost kids held hands as they formed a circle around her. They started chanting. And one of the kids, purple guy's son, floated up to yang, and floated into her. Yang woke up and gasped. The other team members watched in awe, as Yang's wound started to heal. Until it was no longer existent. The kid floated out of Yang and walked up to the other team members. And quietly explained in a soft voice. "She didn't officially die yet, and a possessed person heals fast." Ruby nodded. And the kids floated away. Ruby dashed up to yang and hugged her. Yang hugged back, and the team was back together. But there was still one problem.....

Ruby: what about the kids?
Weiss: she's right. There has to be a way to fix this.
Blake: hey, kids.
Kid1: yeah?
Blake: what do you think qualifies as a party?
The kids looked at each other and shrugged.
Blake: a party is when friends get together to celebrate something. So technically, we celebrated purple guy's death.
Kid1: I guess we can have that be good enough.
The kids looked at each other and nodded. Everyone looked at the clock above the exit. And the counted down
Ding, ding.
The kids held hands and floated up into the air, finally free. The team RWBY looked up and smiled, as they faded in thin air, their final words being, "goodbye."

The team left the restaurant, they bumped into the manager, who seemed very jumpy this morning. He paid them and the team left nonchalantly, pretending everything was normal. And as they walked down the street back to their dorms, Yang spoke. "Oh, almost forgot." She pulled out a controller with a single button. "Look alive team!"
W: is that-
B: don't do it!
Yang clicked the button and the team looked back at the pizzeria, that then exploded in a flaming inferno. "I did say we would burn this place to the ground." Yang pointed out. The team cheered and shouted hooray, even Weiss......

End of the final night........

The wreckage looked bad. Everything was in ruins. She looked through the rubble, hopping to find him. Until, she saw his cold, dead hand. She pulled out his dead body, followed by reaching in and pulling out his head. She dropped the parts on the ground and pointed her hand at them. A purple Ray emerged from her hand and the pieces were put back together, followed by the suit pieces being removed. She saw his wounds and gagged. She healed them all and his now reborn body plopped on the ground.
PP: about time you got here.
??: a simple "thank you" should be in order here.
PP: yeah, yeah, whatever. Am I still in your guild? Mira the Darklord?
Mira: you know it.....

The End

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