bigger, badder, brutaler

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I stand by the end of the boat, while my sister stands by a red headed girl. They are both staring at this brown haired boy. I just roll my eyes at them. I heard a scream, but ignored it so my hair wouldn't change.

"Unique and Sam" I heard Chris say. Suddenly a scrawny boy with glasses fell in my arms.

"Sorry." He said, getting up quickly.

"No prob." I said Monotone. He looked sad for a sec before turning around. Suddenly an explodtion went off and my hair went white as I went in the air and crashed down into the sea. I swam as fast as I could to shore while trying to turn my hair back to mint green.

I came on shore and sat next to my sister. She was staring at the boy who's name I have come to known is Mike, as he stared back.

"So stoked to be here. I have been watching total drama forever. Who knows, maybe I'll even make some new friends."my sister smiled.

"Yes. That would be good, considering you and your sisters conditions made you guys not get out much." Dawn said.

"Who told you that?" I gasped.

"Your souls read like an open book. You had such a deprived childhood. It must have been difficult." Dawn grabbed my hand, I wrenched it back, my hair slightly turning orange (weirded out).

"Attention campers, see that trail leading in the forest, race to the end of the trail and do not disturb the wild life. That would be bad. The tiniest sound could set them off. Like this" Chris blow a air horn. Suddenly we hear a roar and trees falling.

I grabbed my sister and ran. We ended up being the last ones since I had to stop and try and change my hair from white, but failed so we just continued. Everyone was staring at me when I came and my hair turned pink (embarrassed). They all gasped.

"Mood hair your on team b. Siren your team a. I hope you don't act like Sadie and Katie from the first season." Chris said, pointing to team a and b.

"Later sis." I waved before walking to my team. She just shrugged and went to hers.

"Not what I expected." Chris frowned.

"What did we miss?" I asked, hair turning magenta (confused). Everyone just watched my hair. "Okay! I got hair that changes with my mood! Take a picture it will last longer!"

"Our name is mutant magots. And we are about to start our challenge." Zoey smiled.

"I don't care. I am going to the camp." I sighed, walking away. But of course I just got dragged a different way by my sister.

We eventually found the camp and made our teams some food, since we all know chef is an awful cook. Soon Kayla's team came and I think own, but then mine came and blew up there cabin, thus winning for us.

"And as a island welcoming present, me and my sister made us all a feast!' Kayla announced. Everyone cheered, yeah she isn't getting sent home.

After we were done eating we went to our cabins. Anne-Marie was spraying her hairspray everywhere and I have asthma so I went and knocked on my teams door. Mike answered.

"Hey, what's up Minty?" He asked.

"I have asthma and hairspray doesn't really help with that. Can I stay in this cabin for know?" I asked.

"Sure, there is a empty bed above Cam." He said, helping me with my bags. My hair turned bright yellow (happy).

"Thanks Mike." I smiled

"Don't mention it. What are friends for?" He shrugged, smiling.

"Really, friends! I never had one of those, minus my sister." I jumped, my already bright yellow hair turning even brighter.

"What is she doing here?" Cam asked, looking up from a book.

"She can't be around hairspray so she is staying here." Mike smiled.

I put my stuff on my bed and turned to walk out.

"Where you going?" Cam asked.

"I want to sleep out in the stars. I never get to be out." I smiled weakly before walking out and falling asleep.

Sorry it was so sort, I am lazy

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