The Tree and the Mansion???

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Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Every move you make, everything you do... "Harlie... come on... there is nothing in the tree..." I say as I stand outside in the cold October night. Little did I know, there was something in the tree... rather, there was someone in the tree... I grabbed my dog and brought her in. I walked downstairs to my room and sat at my computer messaging my best friend. I soon got a text from an unknown number. Here is what it said: Hey beautiful, ,looking good tonight. kiss emoticon . It must be my best friend playing a prank on me or something. I decided to text back :Who is this? but I havent got a response back. Before I get into any more details, let me introduce myself. My name is Lori Dixin. I am 16, 5'4 and I have brown hair and green eyes. I love music and drawing. I am quiet at first but I get loud once you get to know me. Anyways, enough about me... lets get back to the story.

I finally fell asleep in my bed while I was doing my work. The number never messaged me back but oh well. It was probably just one of my friends. I had the weirdest dream... I was laying in my bed, when this guy came into my room and was looking down at me. "Who are you?" I asked. He just stared at me, ran his hand down my arm slowly, picked me up bridal style and to a van. I finally woke up and realized that I was not in my bed where I fell asleep last night, rather a van like my dream. Then it clued in... it wasn't a dream... I started to freak out at this point and tried to yell but the tape over my mouth didn't let me. I tried to take it off but my arms were tied behind my back. "Morining sleeping beauty" a tall guy about my age with beautiful blue eyes said to me. I stared into his eyes, begging him to let me go but it was no use... he wouldn't let me.

We finally arrived at the house, I mean Mansion. It was beautiful. After they parked the van, the driver and the blue eyed boy got out. I thought they forgot about me but not long after, a boy with a bandana opened the van door and picks me up bridal style. He's pretty cute... Stop Lori... you don't even know him... He brought me inside and set me on the couch. 9 boys soon crowded around me. What the hell is going on?

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