Chapter 2

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The drive home seemed only minutes long for the half dazed blonde. One minute she was pulling out of the parking lot after the amazing encounter and the next she was in the elevator making her way up to her apartment. Many thoughts and feelings passed through Arizona's body. Those of passion and lust were still evident. 'Am I crazy' she thought as she slid her key into the lock. Her mind was churning, did she regret the meeting? No, I don't think she did. Arizona Robbins is not the type of girl to take any part in exhibitionism but she liked the feeling Callie Torres gave to her. She didn't know much but she knew she had to see her again.

Much the same was Callie's ride home. She was extremely shocked by their candidness. Never before has someone made her feel the way Arizona did in their brief encounter. The way her body hummed and fluttered. The way she felt weightless and when she hit that moment of pure ecstasy she knew she was addicted to this woman. The pure thought of leaving Arizona and never seeing her again was unbearable so she suggested they exchange numbers. She didn't quite know where she stood. Would this woman even want to see her again or was a fingerbang in the parking lot enough for her? The thought of that was enough to keep her away so she put her cell on the coffee table and went about some paperwork.

Arizona lay on her bed in her small apartment staring at the ceiling. Images of Callie passing through her mind. More than once her thumb hovered over the call button on her cell but she didn't want to seem weird. She thought it laughable that she was afraid to call the woman even after what they did but for now she decided to leave it. Arizona decided she'd best start getting ready for her evening with Teddy and Henry. Henry is Teddy's boyfriend although he was technically Arizona and Tim's friend first. He lived in the house next door to the Robbins family and was Timothy's best friend through most of their lives. Henry had loved Teddy for many years before Teddy even noticed and by the time their teenage years were over Teddy loved Henry just as much.

Arizona checks her phone for the hundredth time in 10 minutes and decides she should get going. Feeling that she wants to get very drunk she decides to get a cab to Joe's. It's 7:10 when she arrives and as she walks inside the small bar the loud hum of everyone talking and the music playing in the background washes over her. After a quick scan she spots Henry and Teddy sat in a booth near the back.

"Hey guys!" Arizona chirps.

Teddy and Henry exchange a confused glance and look back at Arizona.

"What?" She questions looking between the pair.

"Why are you so happy?" Henry questions poking Arizona in her side.

"Yeah when I saw you earlier I practically had to twist your arm up your back to make you come tonight." Teddy says half telling Henry at the same time.

"Can't a girl be in a good mood? I'm happy, I'm a happy person... see?" Arizona pulls a really unattractive smile to emphasise her point.

"Hmmm" Teddy and Henry say in unison.

Henry stands signalling to the bar and disappears into the crowd.

"So what happened then? I mean I only saw you a few hours ago and you were miserable!" Teddy states.

"I guess I just took on board what you said, I was being pathetic and needed to put Joanna where she belongs.. In the past." Arizona smirks and checks her phone again.

Henry sets 2 rounds of shots down with beer backs on the table and in seconds they've been drained. Arizona's face pulls into a grimace as she scoops her beer up and takes a long pull.

The trio discuss their week, Teddy explaining her last week of placement and how she's now a fully qualified firehouse paramedic. Henry discussing a big account he's got going on at work and Arizona sharing her dread on starting her new job at firehouse 21.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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