Chapter 36 ~Imposter*

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The first thing Tinkerbell saw when she woke up was the roof of a very familiar tent. She gasped and tried to sit up, but hands cradled her face gently. Her eyes adjusted to his gray ones.

"Felix?" She whispered disbelievingly. Tears slipped down her face before she could think to stop them.

"Tink." Was all Felix could say before he had to fight back his own tears. And Tink knew how close he was to losing it. She pressed his head against her good shoulder and let him cry as she did silently.

When it gradually became quiet, she analyzed the wound on her shoulder. For a moment, Tinkerbell had forgotten everything, but then it suddenly snapped back into her brain. The black cloak she could not see into. How it stripped her of her voice right before calling out to Wendy.

Felix felt her tense and found a blank expression on her face. For a moment her eyes looked scared.

"Tink?" She couldn't mask the terror on her face.

"Who did this to me?"

Felix hesitated, watching her expression carefully. Would she be able to handle the truth? "It...was a mermaid. Her name was Syrena. Did you know her?" Tink shook her head, but something caught her attention.

"Did? Did I know her?"

Felix nodded at her unspoken question. "Yes, she no longer lives." Tink shuddered, which surprised Felix. Of all things, he felt that Tink would be happy knowing that her attempted murderer was dead.

"Then why do I feel like this isn't over?" Tink spoke in wonder. She knew that this couldn't be what a happy ending felt like. Sure Felix was here and they were together, but why did she feel like it was at the expense of someone else. Like someone else was miserable here. And then it hit her.

"Wendy?!" Tink gasped and tried to fling herself from the cot. Felix grabbed her arms, holding her back.

"Hey, she's fine. She's with Pan." Her eyes seemed like would pop out of their sockets.

"Pan?! He's here? With Wendy? And you said she's fine?!" She cried with a look of outrage directed at Felix. But Felix couldn't stop laughing.

When Felix realized that she might actually strangle him, he gradually quieted. "You missed a lot when you were gone, Tink."

"Like what?" She growled. Felix took the new expression in. It was so protective it almost made him jealous of Wendy's bond with her.

"Well....maybe you should be hearing this from her...." Felix just wanted an escape from Tinkerbell's disapproving gaze.

"Fine then. She'll tell me. Now, let me up." Felix obeyed, but hovered. She stumbled a lot and Felix was right there to catch her. Every time he did, Tink would blush.

They made their way outside to find Wendy and Pan sitting on a log by the bonefire. It was pitch black outside and Pan played his soundless pipe, but Felix knew Wendy was the only one who could hear it.

She smiled at him warmly and then glanced at Felix. Her gaze locked on Tink and her expression froze. Tink froze also.

"Wendy?" Tink asked.

"Tink..." Wendy's eyes filled with tears. They dripped down her chin and soon Wendy was in Tink's arms. As they both cried, Felix found something was wrong. He didn't know what about Wendy's reaction seemed off, but it did. Felix and Pan calmly watched the two's reunion.

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