•Chapter 2•

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●Chapter 2●

Leon P.O.V.

"Fede, why was Caviglia there at the hospital, and why did she seem sad?" I ask Fede.

Yesterday when I woke up, Caviglia was there, but I didn't even know why. She gave me a reason, but I could tell it wasn't true. Her insult was sloppy. There was definitely something wrong with her. I knew her, she was my enemy, sometimes enemies know people better than friends.

"Nothing, exactly what I said," Fede says nervously.

"Fede," I say in an annoyed tone.

Can he not just tell me? I put on my black jacket, thanks to Fede for bringing it to me. I put an arm around and his shoulder and we begin walking to the studio. After the whole checking out thing. So basically we leave the hospital almost thirty minutes later.

When we get outside I take a deep breath. It wasn't exactly like I had missed the air, I was only out for a few hours. It was just that I needed something familiar.

"So, the same things are still going on in the studio?" I ask Fede and he shakes his head.

"Okay Leon. The truth is that you forgot seven months of your life. You remember what happened in January. It's August. . So right now, we are practicing to perform in front of youmix producers," Fede explains and my eyes widen.

"What had happened during that seven months?" I ask him slightly afraid of what I could've done. Fede gulps.



Fran POV

"Okay, everybody get ready for welcoming back Leon! Remember nobody mention what happened between January and August," Pablo says, and he sends me an apologetic smile at the end. I just fake smile back.

I couldn't welcome my boyfriend -we technically did not break up!- back, when he only remembered us being enemies. Not to mention he was dating my new enemy. It wasn't even fair. Couldn't he remember May. My whole life didn't seem the same anymore.

When we dated, the world was a bit brighter. I laughed a louder, my smile was wider. Now, everything isn't the same. The birds aren't chirping anymore to me. The only fear I have, is if Leon will never remember. I will be left without him for the rest of my life, I would rather die.

"Hey guys," A voice says, deep and it was hoarse.


He was out of hospital but I could tell he still hadn't completely recovered. My heart jumped at his voice. I was about to run over and kiss him, when I realized the situation. A frown appeared on my face and I look at Leon. He was hugging his Best Girl Friend, Ludmila. When they broke apart,she gave him a stern talk about crossing the road. Like a mother. She didn't know that it was actually me who needed that talk.

Leon's eyes wandered across the room. His gaze met mine, and we stared at each other for a while. It was like we were having a moment. Our moment. He broke the gaze and turned to hug his 'girlfriend' he was kinda cheating on me.

Violetta kissed him on the lips. I watched in disgust and sadness.

"God, get a room!" I complain. Leon breaks away from her and smirks.

"Jealous Caviglia?" Leon asks folding his arms over his chest.

"Of who?" I ask him narrowing my gaze.

"Violetta. We all know you want to kiss me," Leon smirks.

The room fell silent. They knew about Leon and I. I take a deep breath and give him a cold stare.

"As if. I feel sorry for her. She has to kiss an ignorant jerk," I scoff.

I give him one last glance before walking out of the  room. As soon as I was a good enough distance I let the tears out. I was jealous. I was so jealous of  her. She was kissing my boyfriend. I mean she benefited out of this whole thing.

Leon hated me. At the moment I was his enemy. So I had to act like that. As much as it hurt me, and it did. I have to make things like they were, try and push my feelings away. His memory may come back, I just hoped they would.

Leon POV

My eyes wander across the room. Everybody was still here, everybody I knew. January to  August. What happened? My gaze stopped at Francesca. She was staring at me as well. It was like I couldn't break away from her gaze. She was sad. I don't know why, but I didn't want to see her like that.

"Hey babe!" My girlfriend Violetta says putting a hand on my chest.

I break the intense stare with Francesca and give Vilu a hug. When we break apart she immediately kisses me and I kiss her back, but the sparks weren't the same. It just didn't feel the same.

"God, get a room!" A voice belonging to Francesca complains. I pull away from Vilu and smirk at Caviglia.

"Jealous Caviglia?" I ask her folding my arms over my chest, with my smirk still on my face.

"Of who?" Caviglia asks narrowing her gaze,

"Violetta. We all know you want to kiss me," I smirk.

For some reason the whole room went silent. They all looked at Francesca. I kept my smirk and my hard stare on her.

"As if. I feel sorry for her, she has to kiss an ignorant jerk," she scoffs. I don't know why but it kinda hurt.

Francesca gives me a one last glance before walking out the room. Even though her insults were getting better. She wasn't her. I knew her. I pull Fede's collar and whisper into his ear. Fede nods and walks out the room.

I don't know why, but I cared about Francesca. I wanted things to be normal. I wanted to know why Vilu's kisses weren't the same. I want to know what's wrong with Francesca. I need to know all of these things.

What really happened to me?

_________________________________________ 2nd chapter. Getting better, getting worse? So I'm making 10 chapters. This is gonna be a short story. So we can kinda say almost halfway! But after this book is The After Effect, which should be quite normal. Anyway, what did you think? Fran is going to become the enemy? Leon notices something is wrong? Want a Leonetta or Leonesca moment in the next chapter?

Thanks for reading!


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