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"I'm so excited for this date tonight, dude!" Tyler says to Josh, buttoning up his suit while looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"You know what, I'm glad. You haven't been on a date in a while, Tyler. You need this," Josh smiled as Tyler walked out of the bathroom.

"How do I look?" Tyler did a little spin.

"You look great," Josh replied, looking back down at his phone.

Tyler frowned. "Who are you texting?"

"Ashley." Josh responded.

"Oh," Tyler mumbled. Josh has been talking to her a lot lately. Not his sister, but his friend, Halsey, or Ashley.

"What?" Josh asked, puzzled.

"Oh, nothing," Tyler said, sitting next to his dearest companion on the couch.

"When's your date, again?" Josh asked.

"7:00." He responded. He had a fair amount of time until he had to pick up his date for dinner and a movie.

Her name was Gina. From what Tyler knew, she was sweet and kind. She had long brown hair and blue eyes.

Tyler met her through one of his crew members, Mark.

Soon enough, it was time for Tyler to pick up his date.

Josh quickly fixed his tie for him. Looking back up at Tyler's eyes, he smiled. "Good luck, man. Tell me how things are going every once in a while."

"I'm a bit nervous, Josh." Tyler stammered.

"Hey, you'll be fine. It's perfectly normal to be nervous. I bet it will go great," Josh responded.

"Alright. Thanks, man."

"No problem," he replied. As Tyler walked out the door, Josh sighed to himself. If this date works out, what will happen? What if I lose my best friend? Josh thought, sitting back down on the couch. He pulled out his phone and started playing random games to try to get his mind off of things.

Meanwhile, Tyler drove corner after corner trying to find Gina's house. After a while, he did, only a few minutes late.

He got out of the car and walked to her door, knocking on it gently.

After a couple a seconds, the door opened to reveal the most gorgeous woman Tyler has ever laid eyes on.

"Oh, hi," she said, blushing once she noticed Tyler staring at her in awe.

"H-Hello..." Tyler stuttered. C'mon Tyler, you freaking idiot! You look like a loser!

Gina giggled. "Shall we?" He asked, holding out his arm like a true gentleman would. She nodded and crossed her arm with his.

So they were off of their date. Tyler and Gina ate at a fancy restaurant and things went pretty well. Gina and Tyler put each other's contact information on each other's phone and agreed to talk again.

And with that, Tyler went home to his best friend for the night.

He walked through the door to find Josh sleeping on the couch. But, then noise of the door opening awakened him.

He blinked a few times before coming to his senses. "Oh, hey Tyler! How did the date go?" Josh said with a groggy voice.

"Pretty good. She gave me her number. But I think I'm just going to go to bed." Tyler responded, heading to bed.

"Alright, goodnight," Josh said in a suspicious tone.

Josh knew something had to be wrong. He expected Tyler to go on and on about his date, telling him everything that happened in exact detail, but he didn't.

And there was something going on.

Tyler couldn't really describe how he felt. He didn't feel like himself. He felt out of place. Maybe he wasn't prepared for dating yet, who knows?

But, he liked Gina, she was pretty, kind, and all a guy could ask for.

But maybe not Tyler.

As Tyler tried to fall asleep, he couldn't let go of his emotions. He heard Josh go to bed. "Goodnight, Tyler!" Josh yelled.

"Night, Josh! Have a good sleep!" Tyler yelled back.

"You too!"

As he tried to sleep, he couldn't get the image of Josh, before his date, fixing his tie and smiling at him. Whenever he saw Josh smile, it made him feel happy, which helped him fall asleep.

The feeling Josh gave Tyler was unique. He's never felt that certain way about anything or anyone before in his life. Not even about music. Tyler just enjoyed being with Josh so much, he could never watch him leave.

And Josh felt that way too. Josh loved Tyler, like a brother. More than Halsey. It pained him when he saw Tyler sigh in sorrow when he started talking to her. But Josh liked her, as a friend, and Tyler didn't actually dislike her, he just preferred Josh over anyone.

Josh and Tyler both feel asleep.


That morning, Tyler woke up first and started making coffee for him and Josh. He normally left Josh to make his own, but he felt like making him coffee because he had nothing else to do.

About 20 minutes later, Josh still wasn't awake, and Tyler noticed his coffee was getting cold. So, he walked to Josh's room quietly to see if he was awake.

He slowly opened Josh's door to find him sleeping in an awkward position with the blanket on the floor. Tyler cocked his head. He felt bad for Josh because he was probably cold and his neck was probably going to hurt because of the way he was sleeping. He gently put the blanket back over Josh's body. Tyler could've sworn he saw him smile a bit. Tyler then carefully moved his pillow so his head could rest on it correctly.

Tyler smiled to himself. Now, maybe, he wouldn't have to hear Josh complain about his sore neck all day. He looked over at Josh's alarm clock. It was 11:35 and Josh still wasn't awake?

Tyler looked back at Josh. Should I wake him up? He asked to himself. He looks so peaceful and happy... but he's wasting time.

Tyler knew what had to be done.

"Get up you lazy tike!" Tyler yelled, jumping on his bed. He picked up an extra pillow that Josh wasn't using and threw it at him. Tyler giggled so loudly that it made him giggle more. "It's almost noon!"

Josh grunted.

"You're alive!" Tyler cheered. Josh moved his leg, causing him to fall on top of Josh.

Josh grunted even louder, making Tyler laugh more.

Josh rolled over from his back with Tyler still on top of him. "Get off of me!" Josh said in a deep voice.

"No! Not until you get up!" Tyler said.

"I can't since you're on top of me!" Josh said, trying to push Tyler off.

"Oh yeah, good point." Tyler said, getting off of Josh and walking out of his room. "I made you coffee, by the way." He said, shutting the door behind him.

Josh smiled and got out of bed. He could sense that this was going to be a good day.

howdy folks !!
so yeah lol
i hope you like this story
lmao bye af

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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