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This is my entry for Anyone_Can_Write's contest.


"What are you doing here?" I complain. Ever since Mia turned ten she's been trying to hang out with me and my friends. We're four years older than her; can't she just give it a rest? 

"Get out, Mia, we're busy."

"We ain't got no time for toddlers like you," puts in Bea, my friend. I laugh and give her a high five.

 Mia's hopeful expression fades as Bea and I smirk at her. She turns around and runs into the kitchen, and I can see the beginnings of tears on her face. A small feeling of guilt pricks me, but I ignore it. Bea is one of the most popular girls in school, and I have to impress her.

"What's with her anyway? Isn't she a bit young to be dying her hair?" For her ninth birthday Mia asked if she could dye her hair electric blue and my mom said yes. It's been that way ever since.

"Yeah, well, something's wrong with her. You know, messed up in the head and such." Bea laughs, and I smile in relief. 


Two years later...

"Hey, Nic, can I talk to you?" Mia's head peaks around the door and I sigh in exasperation. 

"I thought I told you to leave me alone! After the last time..." 

"Listen, Nicki, I'm sorry, but those girls really aren't good for you. I get that they're the most popular girls in school, but that isn't everything. And they say some really bad things-" I can't take it anymore. Who does she think she is?

"Mia you're a freaking twelve year old! I don't give a damn what you think." 

Mia starts and stares at me in disgust. "They told me I'm fat, that I should never show my ugly face in public again. I told them you would prove them wrong. Obviously, you won't." 

As she leaves I spit out, "Maybe they're right! And no, I won't go sticking my nose into your stupid problems."

***One year later...

I've been noticing something different with Mia. She is quiet, has less of a temper, less of a personality, even. She always wears baggy clothing and has started to dye her hair dark blue instead of electric. But whatever; I'm one of the popular girls in school now! I've completely figured them out. Gossip about the weirdos, where the right clothing, and never disagree with Bea. That's it.

My phone starts to vibrate; it's a call from Mom.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Nicki, thank God. You need to come to the hospital. Now. It's Mia."

"What?" I exclaim, startled. What could possibly be wrong?

I get to the hospital in less than five minutes. Mia is in a white hospital bed, and as I realize all she has on is a flimsy dress I understand something terrible.

I can practically see her bones through the flesh. Her collarbone protrudes so far it seems alien-like. Those comments, the ones I blew off as nothing, they were hurtful. They cut into Mia. She took them so much to heart that I see now she has been starving herself. And for what? Because of me, and what I have done.

There is no way to erase this.

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