Chapter 1- The Abduction

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Alexis' POV-
I'm walking the streets of Topeka with Rey, when she stops in her tracks. I suddenly feel as though the temperature has dropped forty degrees. I feel shivers run down my spine as a bright white light flashes across Rey and I.
     The next thing I know, I'm strapped to a chair in a dark room with Rey sitting across the room fast asleep. "What the heck." I mumble to myself as I struggle against my restraints. Just as I've decided to smash my chair against the wall and break free, I hear the click of a door opening and a streak of light shines across the floor.
"The king shall see you now." squeaks the man at the door. He is quite muscular so I am surprised that such a high-pitched noise came out of his mouth. He clears his throat and says again, "The king shall see you now."
He sighs as he makes his way over to me to untie me. Once he gets close enough, I slam my chair into him, expecting it to break. It doesn't, but I've bought myself some time by knocking my captor over. Behind me I hear Rey whimper. I ignore her and as quickly as possible slam my chair into the brick wall of our chamber until I break the chair and my binds are loosened.
I shake myself out of the ropes and run towards the door. Just as I get there, a feel an iron grip on my wrist and am jerked back into the room.

Author's note- How do you like it so far? I know this is a short first chapter, but deal with it while I'm deciding whether or not to continue. There are probably tons of typos whoops.


Shirley Temple's and Swirls

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