Chapter 2- Meeting the King

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Alexis' POV-

I shake myself out of the ropes and run towards the door. Just as I get there, I feel an iron grip on my wrist and am jerked back into the room.


"Bow to the king," says the man who drug Rey and I into what seems to be a throne room. Now that it's not so dark, I realize that this man looks rather strange. His eyes are a bright blue color, and his skin has a purple tinge. The weird thing about it is that I actually find him kind of attractive.
I feel someone nudge my shoulder.
"Bow to the king." I am forced onto my knees.
I finally turn my attention to the king, and see that he is a very small man. Looking into his eyes I feel calm, as though a blanket of kindness has surrounded me. No wonder they made him their king.
"It is nice to meet you, but you really are unneccessary," he says looking at me.
"I just want your friend, she shall become my wife."
I look at Rey and see the worried look on her face. I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly.
"Hey, it'll be okay. I promise." I force a small smile.
"Son, get this one out of here," the king demands. Grabbing my arm, the other man pulls me out of the room. He leads me down a dark hallway to a well lit, ornate room with a plush bed.
"You'll be safe here until I find another place to keep you," he says to me.
"Umm, I don't even know your name," I reply.
He laughs, "Evan. My name is Evan."
"Alright Evan, what exactly is it that you're keeping me safe from?"
"My father."

SHOOK. (That's it. That's my author's note.)

Okay, but anyways sorry bout this one

Bumble bees & red roses

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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