Chapter 1: Intoxication

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The sound of the music shook the ground underneath her. The heat had taken its course on her, leaving her hair and body coated in sweat. Her heart seemed to pump at the speed of the people dancing and jumping around her. The music had went in through her ears and exited through the movements of her body; it was an intoxicating feeling. People she did not know were touching her and stood less than a foot away. She continued to dance, throwing her head back and moving her hips to the music. Her lungs filled with nothing but pure bliss and her tongue still stained from the mixed drinks.

She felt a hand grip her wrist and shake her out of her trance. "Em!" The voice called, barely audible through the rest of the noise filling the room.

She focused on the girl, her friend Charlie. "What's up?" She responded loudly.

"Jaz is sick, something is wrong with her." Charlie voice was shaking and she could tell the severity of this by her body language. She followed Charlie to where Jaz was.

They entered a room in the house where the girl was laying on the bed. The room stunk of alcohol and vomit, and the girl's curly hair had evidence of the throw up. The room was scary quiet, with the exception of the music in the next room.

"What happened?" Emerson asked after taking in the scene.

"I don't even know, she only had three drinks, same as me," Charlie said dropping down next to the overly intoxicated girl. Emerson's once straight hair was curling at the ends from the sweat and movement from the night. She threw her hair up in a ponytail and went towards the girl. All of their eyes had traces of red and slightly glossy.

This was the first time they had gone to a high school party. They had escaped the safety net that was their bedrooms and ventured to a party and this is what happened. They had been to parties before, but nothing like this. It was only until Jaz was invited that they even considered going. Jaz's tanned skin was pale and burning hot to the touch. Charlie had ran to the bathroom to get a cold rag to put on her forehead.

"Jaz, can you hear me?" Emerson asked sitting on the bed next to her. Jaz's eyes were closed but she let out a soft moan. 

"We need to get her home," Charlie said. It was only until now that Emerson had noticed how serious the situation was. Charlie's once long, perfect hair was now messy from the stress she was under and constantly running her fingers through it.

They decided to try to stand Jaz up. With her arms draping on each of their shoulders, they attempted to stand her up. She was nothing but dead weight and they struggled to get her to the door. It was then that they sat her on the chair and Emerson got an idea.

"Charlie, keep your eye on her. I'll be right back to try to get help," Emerson said before shutting the door behind her and walked back into the mess of a party. There had to be hundreds of people in the room. This situation had sobered her up a little bit and she could now smell and take in everything that was happening. She scanned the room for the pair of familiar eyes.

When she walked into the kitchen, she was met with a pair of forest green eyes. With the confidence from the alcohol still running through her veins, she approached the eyes.

"Harry, I need your help," she said when she finally was able to see him up close.

"Are you okay?" The green eyes responded to her actions.

"It's my friend - something happened and we need to get her home." His calm eyes smiled down at her. She finally took in the sight. He was wearing a white v-neck with black tight jeans on. The v-neck showed off his bare muscular arms and a small portion of his chest. Her breathing hitched in her throat as she scanned his body.

"You're drunk," he laughed. "Where is your friend?" She snapped back up to his eyes and she tried to focus on something other than his features.

"This way." She led him to the room with her friend. It all happened so fast; he picked her up and led them all to his car that was parked around the corner of the house.

All that was spoken were the multiple thank-you's from Charlie and Emerson, and the noises coming from Jaz. On the drive to her house, she perked up a little bit and we thought she might be okay again until we tried to get her out of the car. Harry got out and helped her out again and instead of carrying her, Emerson and Harry walked her towards the house while Charlie walked in front, using Jaz's keys to open the front door. After they got her up the stairs with little noise, they laid her on her bed and turned her on her side.

"I'll stay with her tonight," Charlie said quietly with a water bottle in her hand. Emerson nodded and hugged her and kissed Jaz on the forehead.

"Make sure she lays like that so incase she needs to vomit she doesn't choke in her sleep," Em said before she left. Harry followed her down the stairs.

"Thank you again, it means a lot and I know it was kind of the last way you probably wanted to spend your night," she said nervously when they got back to his car.

"It was no problem, seriously. I just hope my friends would do the same for me if I was in that situation," he said running his fingers through his hair. "I think I'm done for the night, do you want to go back?"

"Oh no," she laughed. "I'm definitely done for tonight and probably done for eternity."

He laughed and they got in his car and drove back to their neighborhood. The car ride was silent; the radio was off and the only noise they could hear was each other's soft breathing. The emptiness of the streets was almost eerie and the only lights were those that were lit up in his car and the street lights. When they finally pulled up his driveway, he put the car in park and turned the key.

"Hey, I'm actually not very tired, so do you wanna maybe hang out or something? Unless you're tired then nevermind," he said scraping at the back of his neck.

"I'm actually pretty awake too," she smiled over at him.

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