Chapter 2: Memories

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They walked out to the border of their backyards, where right in the back was a tree. There was a swing hanging from the thickest and lowest branch. As kids, they used to play together back there; Swinging or climbing up the branches.

The fall breeze snuck it's way to them as they made they approached the tree. They didn't even talk about what they were going to do or where they were going, they both just knew. He climbed up first, then settling on the branch. As she stepped on the little wood step that was nailed the trunk of the tree, he held out his hand and helped her up.

From up there, they had a perfect view of the sky. "Doesn't this remind you of middle school?" He laughed.

"Oh yeah, definitely," she laughed.

"Remember that time," he started, "nevermind."

"No tell me, what were you gonna say?" She asked, angry that he stopped.

"It wasn't a good memory."

"Tell me anyways," she smiled down at her feet.

"Do you remember when it was before my parents divorced and I would shine my flashlight out my window towards you and you would meet me right here when my parents would fight late at night?"

The memory was bittersweet. They had so many memories together. Especially having windows that faced each other.

"Remember that time Rob Stevens would walk down the street drunk during the daytime and curse at everyone and blamed us all for why we went to war with Iraq?"

"Oh my god yeah, he was a nut," they both laughed. "R.I.P. though, he sure brought entertainment to the annual neighborhood cookout."

They both laughed about memories of our childhood. Then it hit her, since high school they hadn't made any. They were seniors now and they had kind of went our separate ways once high school started. The liquid confidence took over her emotions.

"Why did you stop talking to me in high school?" She bit my tongue after speaking, regretting it immediately.


"No it's okay, forget I said anything I think I'm still a little drunk." He stared at her as she stared down at her feet. "Why don't you drink?" She noticed that he was sober tonight which is why he was ok-ed for driving them.

"I just don't like not being in control I guess you could say."

"That makes sense," she smiled again.

"Remember when we would play house?" He laughed extra hard at his memory.

"Oh no, don't remind me," she laughed covering her face with her hands.

"You know, just because we didn't talk as much these last few years doesn't mean I didn't think about you at all," he said quietly.

Silence filled the cold October air. She was speechless. She rocked her feet back and forth and tried to bite her tongue from saying something she might regret.

They sat in each other's company for another hour until the sun started to rise. She rested her head on his shoulder as they watched the sunrise together. The view from the tree was one of the best. The multitude of colors filled the sky and she felt her eyes become heavy. Before she was able to drift into a light sleep, she sat up then got down from the tree branch.

"Goodnight," she smiled up at the boy in the tree and he smiled back.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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