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The Monster's Heart

Summary : The fate that has Zero and Kaname tied as enemies have always stuck. Even when they were born, they were bitter rivals. But what if there was a twist. What if instead of wanting to get rid of the other, they had slowly embraced each others presence?



Pairings: Kaname x Zero

Warning: There will be OOC, yaoi (bxb), hint of bashing +grammar issues

Author's Notes: Soooo...welcome back some of my old viewers! Thanks for those who read my first fanfic, means a lot to me. So here's my second fanfic. :)

Chapter One: Where Everything Begins


"So...Kiryu, do you understand, now. If I were to give you my blood; in exchange you have to protect Yuki."

A soft grunt that sound more like a growl could be heard across the big study room.

"You know, Kiryu, the only reason I let you live is because of Yuki's sake. You are nothing but a tool that I will use and throw away later in life."

The brown-haired pureblood wrapped his frosty cool fingers around the slowly dropping level D, whose eyes were flashing a violent red.

"My, my, who knew the arrogant hunter had fallen into his worst fears, tch--tch-- such a shame."

Saying the last three words, the pureblood, also known as Kaname, sneered down at the flustered ex-hunter, Zero.

"So do we have ourselves a deal?"

Zero hesitantly reached up to tug down the white uniform that was blocking his 'meal'.

"I will take that as a yes."

And with that Zero bit down and had his regretful fill.


zero...Zero...Zeroo... "ZERO!"


"We are going to be late for class, again if you wake up!"

A small petite girl was pouncing on top of a sleepy Zero.

"Whatever, it's not like you put an effort in classes, anyway." The young man scoffed at his, 'sister'.

With a pouty 'hmph' she sprang right off of him and waited outside.

Slowly getting up, Zero let out a soft sigh. Was that just a dream? It felt so real...

Shaking his head, he trailed his hand through his damp silver locks and started to head towards the bathroom.

"What a great way to start the day," he let loose a yawn and started to brush his teeth.


"Alright, everyone line up! Line up!" Yuki was currently being pushed around by a group of mob of fangirls and boys.

Many clawing and scratching the way in front of the gates, separating them and the moon dorms.

"Kyaaaaaa!!! Idol-sama will definitely notice me today!"

"What! No way he'll notice me."

"Oh Wild-sempai..."

"What about the models!?"

"Kaname-sama, oh , Kaname-sama."

"Everyone one please get in---"


A pissed off Zero leaned back against a cherry blossom tree gave all the students 'the look'. Everyone quietly got in a single filed line and remained that way. It was like a group of stoned soldiers.

"Hey, Zero why do hey listen to you but not me?"

"You're just too soft."

Just then the gates finally opened. Leading the moon doors was none other than Kaname Kuran.

He walked icely towards Yuki and Zero. Seeing Yuki's flustered face his lips quickly spread across his face.

"Ah, Yuki I see you are healthy and fine. Is everything okay?"

He looked over at Zero and have him a small smirk.

"You know, if anything happens you can always talk to me."

"Oh no, no everything is f-fine."

Zero's face remained blank and no hint of anger was hinted neither his face or body; which had surprise most of the night class, including Kaname.

On one last attempt to provoke him, Kaname gave a light gent butterfly kiss of Yuki's hand. This cause a big commotion in the sun and moon dorms.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later. Yuki."

As he was walking towards his own class, he walked over to Zero and lowered his mouth to ear level.

He whispered in the most quietest voice he could muster.

"Meet me in my room tonight. Zero."

Zero frozed and stared blankly at he floor.

So I guess it wasn't a dream.

A/n: Alright this was really short but I got sleepy so sorry. Maybe next time.

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