Chapter 3

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I was startled by the voice so I turn around just to be greeted by a very familiar face that I haven't seen in a long time ago.

It was Elliot, my old-time best friend.

I don't know what I was feeling that time but I quickly jumped up from my seat and enveloped him in my infamous bear hug. At that time, I didn't care if I was actually grabbing the attention of the people around me probably looking like a complete buffoon. I was just so glad to finally see my best friend after a long time.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back!" I exclaimed clearly annoyed that he didn't update me on when he is coming back here. I took in his appearance and noticed that he hadn't changed a lot, except for his hair that got a bit longer and him who grew a few inches taller. Which just made me feel shorter than I am. Just what I needed.

"I was actually planning on surprising everyone, but then I saw you sitting here and couldn't stop my mouth from blurting out your name." He said while flashing me one of his drool-worthy smiles. I would've fallen for him honestly, I mean he's everything a girl wants in a guy but he's my best friend and one of my closest friends at my previous school. We're like siblings already to be honest.

"So how was your life in L.A? Fill me in!" I ask, very interested to know what had happen during his time there in Los Angeles. He began telling me about the weather, the famous foods and that how their burgers tasted almost like heaven. He even told me that he got promoted in a job he has been working in the past few years.

"I'm really proud of you, told you you'll make it." I said while punching his arms softly like what we usually do during the old high school days. He stare back back at me and smiled, his smile was very contagious that I began smiling back too. He then took a hold of hands and held it in a mannerly way.

"Thanks Athena, for always being there for me. We should hang out sometimes though, I miss our little mischievous adventures." He said while doing this cute looking innocent face that would make you want to grab his cheeks and pinch it tightly.

"Nah" I replied, teasing him more while he pouted his lips. I suddenly had the urge to pinch his cheeks again.

"I was just kidding! Of course I would want to." I retorted and then his pout change into a cute and cheeky smile. Oh how I love seeing him smile like that, it just makes me remember all the memories back in junior year. And now I just really miss those times.

My food suddenly came, packed inside a small paper bag so well and I had to stop myself from eating it from bag. I look up to see Elliot smirking down at me, he clearly knows that I'm hungry.

"I know that face." He blurted out in the 'I-know-you-so-well-and-you-can't-deny-it' tone that he always use everytime he knows something is up while my cheeks starts to heat up. "You're hungry aren't you?" I then got really embarrassed but still nodded. He chuckled lightly while strode nearer to me and gave me one last hug. I hugged back while he buried his nose in the crook of my neck.

He let go of the hug and smiled at me once again.

"I'll see you soon and don't forget to contact me in my old number. I'll hunt you down if you don't." I fake threatened him while smiling,

"Of course, just remember to not eat too much. You're growing bigger.." He replied while laughing and poking my tummy. I began laughing along too because I find it funny as well.

"How dare you insult me and my undying love for food?" I said melodramatically, louder than I had expected it to be, while walking to the exit. The last thing that I heard was him laughing and I suddenly had the urge to roll my eyes. The smile on my face still lingering. Oh and if your wondering why he hadn't question me about my wig, he actually didn't know I wear one. I know best friends should tell each other everything but I should really keep this facade on without anyone except for Xavier and my parents knowing because it might be a bit complicated to explain everything to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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