Chapter 2

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My whole body shaking, that's what I was feeling right now. Tell me there's an earthquake happening while I'm asleep and I'll believe in you.

Come on, this is probably the worst timing scenario that has ever happened to me in my life. Well, I won't wake up either ways and will sleep through the earthquake. Atleast I'll die mentally peaceful..but physically squashed. Now that doesn't sound so inviting does it?

"Athenaaaa..wakey wakey!" A familiar voice called out so loud that it almost broke my eardrums while I quickly covered my ears and shuffled up from the bed looking around to seek out the person who just ruined my peaceful sleep during an earthquake. I saw Xavier standing beside my bed with his pissed off expression etched on his face while both of his hands were shaking me.

Why hadn't I thought of it?

Now that explains all the shaking. So no earthquake, phew! I'm safe.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked while taking a swift glance at my alarm clock that is placed on top of the nightstand, rubbing my eyes to get a clearer view as I saw the numbers in red '6:15' blinking. Oh I don't think this is the time I wake up during the Saturdays. I mean who does? It's Saturday were talking here.

"Just waking my little sister up who snores like a pig." Xavier said while chuckling as I grab the nearest throw pillow beside me and threw it at him while he easily dodge it, well he is the captain of the football team so I don't need to question why he has fast and good reaction.

"I don't snore." I retorted lamely,

"Sure you don't." He replied while snickering. I just made a 'hmph' sound while waiting for him to step out of my room.

He was about to walk out of my room when I started getting back inside the covers, he glance back at me and gave me this 'fatherly look' that he uses everytime he wants me to do something that he wants. Like I would even follow him. I rolled my eyes as I began to wait for him to get out of my room.

"What?" I asked but it seems like a rhetorical question to me, he gave me a lazy look before proceeding to go downstairs, I snuck back inside the covers going to sleep again before I hear Xavier's loud shout from downstairs.

"Get your lazy arse out of that bed and don't wait for me to do it myself!"

Well wouldn't that be something a mother would say?

"Seriously? It's Saturday, give me my sleep!" I shouted back while returning to my disturbed sleep. I heard some clattering and plate crashing downstairs while a frustrated groan came next after it, I had the urge to laugh because knowing Xavier..he probably tripped over the kitchen utensils again. Why do I always get my Saturday sleep disturbed, but atleast it's going to come to an end. Finally, a peaceful slee-

Watcha gonna

Watcha gonna

Do with that dessert?

Doo wa

Doo wa dee da

Doo wa Doo w-

"What?!" I yelled over the phone while breathing so hard because I was about to fall into a dreamless sleep when my phone's ringtone began ringing. The caller must've been shocked from the outburst because I could hear the heavy breathing on the other side of the phone sounding like he or she is hyperventilating. I couldn't blame the person since I growled so loud like I always do when I get annoyed.

"Hello?" I said in a more peaceful matter and politely while the caller started to talk,

"Is this Ms.Hudson?" An unfamiliar female voice asked while I grew curious, who would call a person at this time on Saturdays? This has to be important, if this is just some irrelevant news then I promise I'm going to wring the first person I see on the neck and make him/her wash my laundry for the whole month.

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