Chapter 1

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I opned my eayes and sat up. Hary wos lying baside me with his eyes clowsed. I cood sea the driblle on his chin and it was so cute. His eyez sudenly snaped open and he turned to lok at me. 

'Your finaly awayk' He sed.

'Yah. Hi Hubby!' I giggled.

'Hehehe.' He said

'Okey we have to get outta here!!' He exsclamed.

'Wot? Where are we even?' I asked.

'We ar at the hosdible.' He saed seriusly. 

'For reals?' I asked. I cood not beleev this. I thawt I was died.

'Your were diead.' Harry mentioned.

'What how did you knoe even.' I scremed.

'I herd the docta saying it.' He sed whule sneezimg.

'Wow your so smert.' I told him snobbily.

'I know that alreddy sometimez.' He read.

'But how did you no wot I just thort just now.' I cried.

'Becoz you were thinking out lowd.' He painted.

'You rely are a smart man.' I said. 

'I am not a man yet. I haven't got me perryid yet.' He reveeled bowing his hed.

'You silly gangsta, that diesn't deafine you.' I told him.

'We'll tork abowt this latar, rite now, we must be away with the wind.' He said peoticaly.

We both sproung out of our bed at the same time and ran for the window. Harry picked me up and pushed me out ferst. When I was almost out, my feet got stuck in the window and I hit my head on the billding. 

'Owch.' I called oute.

I wrigled my feet side to side like I was doing the moon walk and I fell to the grownd. Harry folowed me and landed on the ground strait on top of his haed wiv his legs stickeng up in the aire.

He flipped off his head and landed on his feet and grabbed my hand and we ran. We ran like the wend as if there woz no 2morrow with our hostable gowns flapping in the breese. We finaly got to a bustop and waited for a sine of enny life. We watched the peeple pass bye and ate isecreem. After a few whiles our bus came and we srpinted on. There was Frank, Sage's hubby sitting there at the drivers seet with a cheerry fase and a snapback that sed I love Kris Jenner. I stoped to say helo and ask about his fam and then I sat down. I put my earphones in, turned up the Pussycat dollz and fell strate to asleepe. I didn't evan no what was goin too hapen next, but I new that az long I was with my babby it was going to be algoods.


Hey frendz! So I desided to rite anotha bok! It terns out that Harry and Kayte didn't evan die! LOL!!! Anyway so this is a short chap but it's just to introjuise the book! I am so eksited. 








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