Chapter 7

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The nekst mirnig I wok up too a empty bed. were wAs Zauen? He left me jus there aal alon. I was geting mesd ova bye to menny guys now. 

I stermed out ro the kishen were Zauntne Was and I twped him on th shoula and rhen sleaped him in his fas. He loked so shocked btu he deservd it!!!!

I ran out od the hous and startd to cros the busy rode. '"KAtE" I herd called afte me.

I spun arond and my hare span evrywere lik in the HAnnah montanh Movi.

Zan was runung afta me but I just vouldn't deal with him rite now so i ran acros the roade. Then it hapennenned. A car screeamed acris the rode and hit me right in the ankls. I fal and thw last ting i see is Zayne runnig throw the trafic to help.

i wak up in rhe hospitl. 'Wjere amI ." I say. Ther is a needl in my arm!!!! I try yo pul it out of ut but the nurse says ni.!

The I se a femilir fas. I'ts' DR. Jessica Ridges!!

'Biy am  u glad to see u.' I twl her. 

'Likewise swethert.' She tels me. 

'Whot hapened to me?' I aksk.

'Yo wer hi by a a car oj the rode when u wer runing awat from Zan wen he left u in the bed in thee morining.' sje raminded me. 

'oh ye' I sed.

'Tings hav ben trubbl around her whule u have ben gobe Kate.' Dr. Righes said.

What hapend. I said.

Dr. Rigdes sighed. Wat here she says/'

She leves and brings in Harry hu looks lik he has beean crying???

'Hary?' I ask.

'Kate!!!' He saus and fals to his knes. 

Tim stops. My haerst is braking for him.

COmmer.' I say and he runs into me amrs.

'IL OVE YOU>" hE confesd.

'No but U life U mor.' I saty to him.

We stay lik tht for wht sems lik yers.


HEY HE HEY gues who's bak/? Sory for nit upd8ing for so lng!! I havn't ben on Watty for ages bc I was havingmy baby but nw I', back for more 1D! I hav so mny dM's to relpy to now haha! Ok hop u lik ths cahpi!!!! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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