Chapter 7 : Breathless

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Blood was all over the place and me and Matt was standing frozen looking at her corpse....our friend's corpse

-"What the fuck happened here
...oh my god Emily?" Matt said

-"That's sick who could do such a thing" i said and asked "What are we gonna say to the others..ecpesially Mike?"

-"Dude think about it.. she didn't do that to her self of course.. so what's left?

-"Murder?" I said in fear because if it was murder that ment that one of my friends did it

-"Yeah man.... thats crazy.. to think that one of our friends and fellow students did that to her.. what if we are not safe and that maniac wants to kill us all.." Matt said and i started thinking who could the phyco be

-"OMG WHAT IS THAT" Ashley said ready to throw up

-"Ash dont scream... we foud her like that...did you see anything?"Matt tried to confort her and get some possible information about the murder

-"No...god whoever did think that they will come after us?" Ashley said crying "I mean sord of hated Emily since she made me to go through hell in high school but...look at her...I never would have wanted her dead..and so gruesomely murdered"

-"Ok and now what?" I asked

-"Shall we wait till tomorow?" Matt suggested

-"No way, and what they will wake up and see a body?" Ashley pointed out

-"True lets wake them" Matt said

And we woke up everybody telling them what happend and then everybody was in the living room trying to figure out what happened

-"It's pretty obvious i guess" Mike said "It's Jessica.. come on guys i mean look at the facts first she sees Emily and starts a fight and although it end two ours later she is at the kitchen tried to kill Em with a knife,yet she failed it so she prefered everyone to go to sleep and.. ta da! Emily is dead"

-"How dare you say that i killed your slut after all you done to me..Motherfucker" Jess said angry - she's hot when she gets angry -

-"See she called Em a slut like the message!" Mike said

-"Come on guys dont jump in conclusions lets just wait for the snow to get cleaned so we can let the police decide who is guilty and who is inocent" Ethan said confident

-"Just put the body away" Christina said disguasted by the look of it.

So me, Matt and Grayson put the body in Emily's room and locked the door

-"Umm guys?" Grayson said " we forgot the head

Indeed we had

-"Just...Jeusus... pick it up.. i mean what else can we do leave it in the middle of the hall?" Matt said

Since we were done none could sleep and we sat at the living room... without fire

-"Hard day" Aphrodite said

I went at the window an at that place the snow had melt

-"Hey, can't we break this?" I asked

-"No.. it's bullet proof

And dissapointed not saying a single other word i looked outside an realised that the dawn had arrived.

To be continued....

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