Chapter 9 : Midnight mission

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After we decided that at midnight we would be going to that 'secret' room, They agreed that they would let me take Jess with us i went to talk to her

I knew she would be to her room so i automatically went there

She was looking outside the window and it seemed like she was thinking - what was that?-

-"Hey" i said so she could understand i was there

-"Oh hi, i didn't see you there.. i have a lot in my mind" she said looking a last time the white mountain "Don't tell me you think i am the killer too..?

-"Of course not, i belive you..." i said " in fact I want your help"

-"What is it" she said smiling - god that smile of hers blew me away

-"Umm..You see.. we found a secret room behind the bookcase in the library and i was wondering if you'd like to join me Matt and Grayson in a midnight mission so we can find more about the killer and also proove you inocent" i said in one breath as she was looking confused

-"Thank you" she said

-"For what?" I asked

-"For trusting me" she said and kissed me on the cheek "I am obviously coming" she said and she started asking me details about the door


I saw the clock (11:55) and realised it was about time to go

I went to pick up Jess from her room

-"I've been waiting for you" she said and we started heading towords the library

As long as we arrived Matt and Grayson were there

-"Come on guys"Matt said as he went closer to the stairs "look at this ... blood"

"What the hell" i thought as i saw the blood was leading down

-"Are we sure we want to get down there?" Grayson said scared

-"There is no other way to figure out what happened" i said

-"Ok then go first" Grayson said and although i was dead afraid i agreed because we would spent all out time deciding whou would go first

It was dark but the flashlight was helping us see where we were stepping

We were following the blood since that was what we were trying to figure...Was that Emilys blood that was on the killers clothes?

Just then we found a small control

-"What does that little thing do?" Jess asked and since it had only one button i pressed it and we everything from outside blacked out so i pressed it again and everything went to normal

-"So thats how they did it, the black out and by the help of it they managed to get the samirai sword" i said

-"Correct thinking" Matt said

And suddenly we heard steps coming towords the place we were.."Is it the killer?" i thought
as the steps were coming closer..

To be continued...

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