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Walking back into the living room,  I heard unusual breathing, not mine of course, but more husky, more masculine.      I quickly slammed the front door shut, locking it.  I even went to measures of putting the shorts- but heavy book case against the door.  I was terrified, i didn't know what to do in these kinds of situations.  i picked up my cell phone and attempted to dial the police and then my parents, but i couldn't reach any of them, i now knew what this freak was doing, he had set down a Jamming Device. A Jamming device shuts down all connection through electronics. i was stuck. i was scared..    The light suddenly left the room, i was stuck in complete darkness with someone- something coming to get me, this was turning into a complete horror movie.. but i make this promise now, I will not be the first one to die.  Large hands wrapped themselves around my waist, I bite and yelled an screamed but i knew.. no one would come to my rescue.. suddenly a sharp pain fell upon my neck, i felt liquid drain into me, i couldn't imagine that the room could grow any darker, but it did, i felt sick.    "I got her!" a masculine voice whispered "yes, now lets get her to the van" another answered.. i couldn't make out the rest of their conversation.. all i knew is that i couldn't move.  I was helpless.   I watched the black figures carry me to a white van that was next to my neighbor's house,  making it look as if it was the neighbor's van... They laid me down on the cold metal flooring of the van, I hoped..  No..  Prayed I wouldn't die.     The van seemed to drive on an on for what seemed like an eternity, finally the van screeched to a stop an my body jolted to the side, I laid on my back, scanning the walls with my  peripheral vision, the van was dark,  the van had a few boxes,  posters, it looked like a teen boys van, which scared me even more.. the music they played was loud and made my head hurt- wait, i hurt! the drugs were wavering, i could finally move my head and even think straight, i groaned in pain as i tried to raise up "dude she's waking up! what do i do?" a boyish voice yelled to someone, another boyish voice burst through the bubble of mumbles "just wait till she starts fighting back then hit her with the gas" Gas!? i thought why the heck would they hit me with it!? my stupidity hit me from the searing pain "hello" the boyish voice called to me "i hope you can hear me" he said as he cleared his throat and began to speak in a light voice "she chose you for me"  who was "she?" and why did she chose me and for him? who was him? a blurred face started to focus, his hair was a dark brownish-black and his eyes were a bright electric blue, then i saw the dark hood and the pants "you?" i mumbled "she spoke back!?" he began to freak out "she's stronger then she looks, no wonder why the goddess chose her for you" the man in the front spoke "please don't hurt me" i felt myself begin to get up an scoot to the corner of the van "were not here to hurt you" the man said "please don't stick me again" i sounded stupid but they understood "we won't but theres one thing we need to tell you first" the man spoke as the boy steadied himself as the van moved rapidly "there is an after shock to the liquid" he spoke fast "you will black out and probably only remember us taking you away, we are good people, i promise" and then all went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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