Chapter 18

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It had been a few weeks since Nick left to go to Los Angeles and Amanda was getting ready to go to his house for Thanksgiving with AJ. She had invited Brian as well to come....but wasn't sure how things were going to go. Lance would be joining them. She had gotten back together with her ex boyfriend after Nick left....he showed up at her dormitory and came every day until she accepted his apology and they had dinner. She finally agreed to let him back on a trial basis, and so far he had been good to her.

"Hey college girl." AJ said with a big smile when he saw her. Amanda hugged him and looked around, half expecting Nick to come around the corner. When he didn't....she sighed. Nick was unable to come home for the holidays because he had no money to do so.

"Hi Jay. How have you been?" Amanda asked. Brian was already there when she walked into Nick's kitchen...he and AJ were cooking the dinner.

"I'm doing fine, and you?" AJ replied, looking at her tired expression.

"I have been studying so much, its nice to have a break. I miss Nick tutoring me in school, it helped a lot." Amanda explained.

"Turkey's almost ready." Brian said as he checked the oven for the tenth time that afternoon.

"Where's loverboy?" AJ asked, looking for Lance who was nowhere to be seen.

"He's on his way. Thanks for letting me bring him, I didn't want him to be alone either." Amanda said gratefully. AJ gave her a smile but she knew he couldn't stand Lance at all after what he had done to her. The three of them sat at the table together and Brian cut the turkey. He led them in a small blessing and then they began to eat.

"I feel so bad Nick couldn't make it for the holidays. He must feel so lonely." Brian commented.

"I doubt it, he is probably at some party." Lance sneered. Everybody looked at him in surprise.
"What's that supposed to mean?" AJ asked darkly, his eyes narrowed. Lance stabbed at his turkey and smiled.

"He has all these new in LA and everything. He's best friends with JC Chasez now....I'm sure he's having the time of his life and forgotten Florida by now."

"That's not true. Nick wouldn't do that." Brian piped up.

"He's going to be famous, he doesn't need any of you anymore." Lance replied, not looking away from his plate as he smirked. Amanda shook her head at him, he had been acting so nicely to her and now he was being a jerk like before.

"Nick told me he was staying home and having a tv dinner tonight for your information." AJ snapped. He looked pissed off.

"Guys please don't do this, its Thanksgiving." Amanda pleaded, noticing the tension in the room.

"So? He is in Los Angeles. That's where all the other famous people are, he is probably getting himself acquainted." Lance continued.

"Shut up. That's not true." Brian protested, his attention back to his dinner.

"I'm just preparing you for the day when he drops all of you for better friends."

"What the fuck is your goddamn problem?" AJ shouted, slamming his fists on the table and making the plates clatter.

"AJ, don't." Amanda begged.

"I don't see why the three of you baby him so much. Boo frigging hoo he is all alone. Nick is an adult now. I'm sure he can take care of himself-"

"Lance! That's enough...." Amanda interrupted him. She took him by the hand and they argued before Brian and AJ heard the door slam shut and Lance's car pulling out of the driveway.

"I am so sorry you guys." she apologized as she sat back down. AJ and Brian had been whispering when she came in the room and stopped.

"You deserve better. Why did you take him back?" Brian asked. Amanda privately agreed with him, she often asked herself that question but it was better for her to be with Lance than alone. She was still hoping that Nick would come back andage could leave him.

"I love him." was all she could say.

"He's an asshole." AJ commented, ignoring her.

"Is Nick really alone for Thanksgiving, Jay?" Amanda asked. She hadn't talked to Nick that day yet. He had texted her and told her he was having a friend over.

"Yeah he is. He said he was working late tonight and hopefully the record would be finished by his birthday." AJ replied.

"I miss him. I'm usually in training when he calls me. He wouldn't forget us for real, would he?" Brian asked, his eyes fearful. Amanda hugged him, and hoped Lance was wrong but at the same time she wished Nick had someone to spend the holidays with, it was his first time living on his own. She couldn't wait to have Nick back in Florida and everything would be right again.

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