Chapter 5: the wedding of the millennium

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Percy's p.o.v

So here I am in Artemis cabin the next day think that I am the luckiest guy alive when a flash of light appears and the overwhelming smell of perfume fills my nose and I know Aphrodite is here to either annoy or drive me insane. But just my luck it's both those reasons.

"Percy I don't care what you say I am planning your wedding and you will enjoy it you understand me?" Aphrodite said with a glare.

"Aphrodite I have no problems with you planning the wedding I couldn't think of anyone better to do so." I said with a small smile thinking thank god that's all she wanted. I should have known I wasn't that lucky though Aphrodite squeals with this revelation.

"Oh Percy you won't be disappointed I will make this the biggest and most grand wedding of all time one to rival Zeus and Hera's wedding." Aphrodite said with an evil glint in her eyes.

"No don't go to too much trouble really don't!" I begged her but she just shook her head saying.

"It will be big and you will like it no ifs and or buts Percy so just deal with it." I just sat there starring at the place she disappeared from not even noticing Artemis trying very hard not to laugh at the look on my face.

"Percy doesn't let her get to you. You should be happy about our wedding coming up. Unless you're having second thoughts?" she said with mock hurt and even managed to make a fake tear fall down her face. When I saw this I immediately felt horrible and said as fast as I could " no Artemis I swear I would never leave you I love you with all my heart I only want you happy and I didn't think you wanted that big of a wedding." I said all in one breathe only to find Artemis on the ground laughing. "You are very mean you know that I can't believe you would fake cry just for a joke." I said with mock hurt. Artemis instantly stopped laughing and purred saying "I can be more fun if you want Percy just come with me for a couple hours and we will see how mean you think of me." when she said this I was completely stunned my only response was "uhhh" she just laughed at my response and dragged me to her room for a fantastic morning. Little did we know was when we left two other were with us as well.

Artemis p.o.v

: 1 week later:

I haven't been feeling my best this past week since Percy's "lesson" and I went to Apollo who gave me news that I shouldn't have been shocked at but I still was.

"Congratulations sis I am finally getting to be an uncle your pregnant with twins what are the odds another me and you I bet." he said with a smile but I was too happy to even care that he called me sis.

"I have to tell Percy now!" I all but screamed at Apollo who got the message and summoned Percy. At first Percy was shocked but when he saw me laying down in a hospital bed worry and concern filled his eyes and he growled "who ever put you in here I will kill with all my power so that there is nothing left of him!" he said with fire in his voice I almost burst out laughing and so did Apollo.

"Sweetheart you can't kill him. I need him around for he's funny cute sweet and very caring." I said with a completely straight face even after watching his face drop to the underworld and his look of utter heartbreak showed completely on his face

"who is he so I may know who to kill or I will start killing everyone!" he said with so much anger I decided to put him out of his misery "his name is Percy Jackson and he is the father to the twins in my womb so that's why you can't kill him I need your help raising these two future trouble makers." I said finally allowing Apollo to collapse from laughter and for Percy's look of utter misery to turn to one of complete joy and love.

"Artemis that's wonderful do you know if they will be gods or not if so what will they control?" he asked in complete excitement.

"Yes they will become a god and goddess but I don't know of what the fates will decide when they are born." I said with a smile. For the next two weeks all you would hear out of Percy is "I'm going to be a daddy!" which would make everyone around who heard cheer and feel better about themselves like he radiated joy.

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