Chapter 4-The Engagement Party

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Chapter 4-The Engagement Party

Olivia Ford's POV

I sipped at my glass of champagne while watching my sister Ellie and Kale dance. Ellie looked really happy, she was smiling giddily at Kale while he had a warm grin on his face as he looked down at her lovingly. I glanced at my brothers, to see them exchanging glances with each other at Kale's direction. "They are at it again aren't they?" I looked beside me to see my eldest sister, Lily. I laughed and nodded my head, "Yeah. This time, Nate's the ringleader. Not Jake."

Lily smiled fondly, "Yeah. The things they did to Parker. Though I'm guessing Nick will be the ringleader when it's your turn when you get boyfriend. And that'll be pretty soon." I frowned, "What are you talking about? I'm not getting a boyfriend anytime soon." My sister smirked at me, "Lover boy is staring at you again."

I turned away and caught Drake staring at me with his smouldering blue eyes. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I turned away back to Lily's knowing smile. I grimaced, "No, I don't really know him. We just had a nasty bump at the airport in London. That's all." 

Lily smiled with a glint in her eyes, "Right, anyway, Parker and I will be dancing now. Have fun with lover boy." I frowned as Parker led her away and I felt him behind me. His presence was just too hard to ignore. After awhile, I turned around and he was smirking at me. "Care to dance?" I narrowed my eyes, "I'll love to but not with you. After all, I don't know you." I turned away from him and sipped at my champagne flute.

He smirked again and took my champagne flute before downing the entire thing, "I'm Drake Henderson. Would you want to dance?" I glared at him and grabbed my flute from his hand, "No. Now go away." With that, I turned away from him. "Come on now, you didn't give me your name?." I sighed and looked at him, "It's Olivia."

He held out his hand as an invitation to dance. It must be a moment of weakness or the sexiness of his voice because I agreed, "Fine, I'll dance with you. Do you even know how to dance? After all, you only drive around in circles for a living." I sarcastically added.

He raised his eyebrows and a smirk crossed his face as he led me to the dance floor, "I do know how to dance, and my career choice is exhilarating. You should try it sometime." I placed my hand on his shoulder and held his hand while his other hand held my waist. And I have to admit, his hand on my waist felt kinda nice.

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't have a death wish." He chuckled and twirled me around, "Like I said, it's exhilarating. And might I mention, you look beautiful. It certainly is a change from your uniform. Though I liked your navy blue skirt better, it shows your long legs." I glowered at him, "You're a pervert. A sex-crazed pervert."

He smirked and his face came closer to mine, "Like you aren't, you've been checking me out ever since you saw me." I glared at him, not liking how he knew I had been checking him out. In response, I stomped hard on his right foot and stalked off. I heard him growl out in pain. It really must hurt considering I was wearing five inch stilettos. Ha! I don't care, let the douchebag suffer.

I heard guffawing and I turned around to see my brothers roaring with laughter. At me. For stomping on Drake's foot. I glared at them and muttered, "Oh grow up and stop being jerks." 

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