Chapter 4

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April 27th, 2033

I was in that little dark room for two and a half days with nothing going on. All that happened was that they have me food twice a day. They skipped breakfast.

It was the morning of the 27th and I was sitting in the corner of the dark room. Then, the door opened, revealing the hologram woman from the previous day.

"Your Helper will be here soon....." She stated simply and then she left, leaving the door ajar. There was no point in me trying to escape or anything because there was a guard standing outside of my door. I tried to remember what my mum told me about the first stage of the Healing Process so I could get prepared for what I was in for.

"During the first stage they give you a prostitute and force you to have sex with her. They think this will partially cure your 'problem'." She had told me.

So I guess that when the hologram said that my Helper was going to be there she said meant the prostitute I was being assigned.

The guard that was posted outside of my door was looking down at me with disgust in his eyes. He was a very tall man with absolutely no hair on his head and the only hair that he had on his face were his eyebrows, eyelashes, and his very bushy mustache that covered his mouth.

"Is there something you need?" I said to the guard. He was making me mad just by staring at me like that.

He did not like what I said at all, however I am not sure that he liked the fact that I even spoke to him in the first place.

"Da fuck did you say to me faggot?!" He asked angrily.

"I was just thinking..." I wouldn't stop talking, it was like word vomit, "....since you love staring at me, you should come in here with me, you know since I love dick so much. We could have fun." I then antagonizingly winked at him.

He got incredibly angry.

"I AIN'T NO FAGGOT!!" he screamed and then he ran into my room. He grabbed me and pulled me up and pushed me up against the wall. I swear I felt the wall break a little bit. I still wouldn't stop though.

"Ooo someone's got a temper don't they?" I said as I was being held up against the wall.

"You better shut up boy or I will pound you so hard you won't be able to remember it!" He threatened me.

"Oh ok we're pounding each other now? And I thought you said you weren't gay.." I really should've just kept my mouth shut but for some reason I didn't. I guess all this time being quiet and submissive, all of the insults and the sarcasm was just building up inside of me and now it decided to make its appearance.

Right when I thought I was going to be knocked out, I heard a soft, female voice.

"Now, now Kevin. Put him down. His Helper has arrived." It was the devious voice of Hayley. She was dressed in a proper looking red summer dress, with ruffles on the chest, that came to her knees. She was also wearing the same high heels she was wearing the first time I met her. Kevin reluctantly put me down and strolled back over to his post to pout because he didn't get the opportunity to beat the shit out of me like he had planned.

Hayley looked down at me on the floor with her degrading eyes. "You're welcome." she said with a smile. She stood tall with her hand on her hip, leaning to the right like a snobby 5 year old. She expected me to thank her for not letting her little body guard strike me.

"I don't need help from you..." I responded coldly. It was the truth. I knew what she ultimately wanted from me, what everyone ultimately wanted from me. For me to become straight, normal, like everybody else. She looked at me with her signature cold smile.

The Year 2033 [Larry Stylinson] *will return soon!!*Where stories live. Discover now