Chapter 3

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April 25th, 2033

The day was the 25th of April I'm pretty sure. Niall and I spent the entire night talking and catching up on things.

"Wait.." I started. "...if this 'no food, no water' thing is the initial punishment, and you've already been here for a month, why are you in here?" I asked Niall. He looked down at his feet with a frown.

"I threw food at a guard." He said rather quickly. At first, I had to let what he said sink in before I could respond.

"You did what?!" I asked frantically.

"He deserved it!" Niall exclaimed. "I was eating lunch and he came over, sat down, and started saying things to me like I didn't deserve to eat cause I was a faggot and he was calling me all kinds of names and he was really pissing me off Lou..." He told me.

Niall was really lucky that no food or water for a few days was the only punishment he received. It could have been a lot worse.

"And this guard..." He started. "This is someone you need to look out for ok? He is always antagonizing people and it gets a lot of guys in trouble.."

"What's his name?" I asked, already fearing his answer.

He took a deep sigh. "Tom...."

I knew it...

"I know. I've already heard about him from Zayn."

Niall tensed when I said his name. He got this loving look in his eyes and he began to blush. Oh no....

"Niall..." I looked at him but he put his head down and he wouldn't look up at me. " don't have a thing for Zayn do you?"

He slowly brought his head up but he still didn't say anything. He didn't have to say anything. I knew what he was thinking. I could his look adoration for Zayn in his eyes. I've seen that look so many times before...

"Niall!!" I yelled at him. He flinched. He needed to know that loving a guard was basically suicide! "What are you doing? What is someone like Tom finds out about your huge crush on another guard!?"

"It's not a huge crush!" He huffed. "It's a normal sized one. And no one is going to find out because I don't plan on telling anyone and I know you don't ever plan on telling anyone.." He said to me.

"Niall..." I took a deep breath. "Why Niall? You know what the consequences could be." I stared long and hard into those pools of crystal blue. Nothing budged. Nothing twitched. He was serious about this.

"Have you ever gotten that feeling that you probably are doing something stupid but you can't stop cause the pain would be worse?" I don't think I was actually meant to answer him.

"That's what this feels like. I can't explain it, hell, I'm not even sure if I know what it is, but it's real. It's not some fantasy in my mind that I constructed. I love him. I know there is no chance of him ever loving me back, but if I try to not love him, the pain my heart feels is so much worse than any bruise they could ever leave on me..." Niall's words were genuine.

"Just be careful Ni." I placed a hand on his bony shoulder. "I would never want anything to happen to you." And with that, my body went from standing to sitting next to Niall and I engulfed him in a long overdue hug.

"So how did you get caught?" Niall asked me. He stood up and walked over to the window. He just was staring out there. As if he was dreaming of a way to escape or something like that.

"My dad turned me in. My mum told me a few weeks ago that he had. I just didn't think it would take them this long to get me." I said. While Niall was stood up I could finally get a good look at him.

The Year 2033 [Larry Stylinson] *will return soon!!*Where stories live. Discover now