Chapter 1 (Edit)⛄

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Lorie, my mom called from downstairs,
"Are you done, because Melissa is here waiting for you!"
"Okay mom I'll be downstairs in a minute." I put on a little bit of make-up , then I glanced at myself one last time and headed downstairs to see my best friend seated and waiting impatiently. "What took you so long girl?,"said Melissa."I woke up late answer me.

Now can we go cause it looks like, you are about to explode, I teased. We said goodbye to my mom and my dad, kissed them both on their cheeks and go to school. While we were walking we were making fun of people judge them based on how they dress.

"Hey can you believe it"?? asked Melisa,
"Believe what"? replied me. "That school's gonna be over in three weeks" said Melissa, " I know right. The year end quick, it feels like i just started". When we arrived school it was fifteen minutes before the bell ring , so I walked to my locker and take out my algebra book.
Since i have math first and Melissa got English first with Miguel, nun of my friends are in my math class. So Melissa and I separated. I hated math and the class was boring i just worked alone, I do the worked though Ms Gaby she gave us a work sheet I finished it before the bell rang and handed in.

I have art next period with 'my squad' we didn't have much to do so we just sit there and talked about planning to go on vacation in summer. Then we had lunch. Melissa, Micheal and I, we go to the cafeteria it was only two people in the line to get food. We walked into the line and took our tray. It was pretty crowded in the cafeteria, students are everywhere. I spotted an empty table surprisingly in the middle not a great place because we are at the center any drama can pop up any second. Thank God no one thought about it, else there was no other empty tables.

We sat and ate our food, Micheal was talking about how his girlfriend is not answering his phone call or text. Melissa answered "maybe she needs some space, I mean you can still keep on texting her, what don't you go to her house instead"?
" yeah go to her house, have a talk with her and see why she shutting you off. She probably in pain or something". I backed Melissa up

"OK I'll go to her house, thank you guys y'all the best". Said Micheal
" that's what friends are for". Melissa and I said in unison.

Micheal got up and dumped his garbage and say bye and we waved at him. Melissa was staring at something or someone, whatever she was watching she was lost in the view. I asked what was that she didn't answer me. I can't wait for school to end so I could go home.

Melissa and Aurora went to the mall, usually I go with them but not today, I need to take a nap, I don't feel like going anywhere. I walked home from school alone and lucky mom was home early today.

"Hi mom, I waved at her"
" Hey honey" she answered back
" How was school "? ask her
" It was fine I replied. I need to take a nap, wake me up before dinner". I went up to my room kicked off my shoes, I slide on the bed and fell asleep immediately.

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