Chapter 1

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•Hilary POW•
The hot water continues to flow filling my tub. Nevertheless I can not stop trembling. Chills run through my back.
I do not know what happens to me ... it's like my body now reclaim something that's missing ...
Something that I miss ...
I immediately think of him ...he that should be my best friend..he that will never be what I want him to be ...
The sound of water droplets coming out of the bath distracts me from my thoughts.
Quickly shut the tap and let myself go to the warmth of the water that softens my chills.
David ...
My best friend...

•David POW•
The light coming through the window is terrible. I can not open my eyes. It may be six in the morning and I know for a fact that it's Sunday. It is a crime to wake up so early on Sunday. I get up and close the curtains that I forgot to close last night.
Last night...
We were late ...
There was a big party for my birthday with the guys of the troupe.
I was not able to return to Toronto from my family and my friend wanted to arrange a party after work.
We went to a nice restaurant where they had booked a private room with lots of live music.
I basically spent the evening joking with Hilary, we danced every dance type can ... from house to slow ... still laughing ...
Ah ... that woman will make me crazy!
She feels a sixteen year and every time I feel the same way ... she is the friend that everyone should have ...
But she is My best friend ...

• Hilary POW •
It's seven and a half and I'm sitting in a bathrobe in the kitchen for more than ten minutes now ... with my cup of iced tea in my hands thinking back to last night ...
It was great ... we danced and joked ...
I smile thinking of the things that we said yesterday ..
He is a fantastic man ...Connie is just lucky to have married him ...
Married ...
The eyes begin to burn me ... I have to stop hurting me ..
I start drinking my tea when I hear the doorbell.
Who can be at this hour?
Maybe the postman ... or someone who comes to take me Mimi who has been lost in the neighbourhood ..
The second hypothesis is the most likely ... I have not seen her this morning ...
I open the door and my thesis proves correct. Only to have up Mimi is he ..
"You know you should remove a bit of liberty..I think that she takes advantage of a little bit too .." he begins. Hint of a smile waiting for the beat of my heart back regular.
He smiles and puts down Mimi paw indoors tail wagging.
"Thanks .." I say " you want a coffee? Just to thank you ..."
"Well thanks but... I would not bother .." he says, pointing. Only then I realize that I still wear the bathrobe. I I instinctively cross my arms.
" ...I , I had already taken a bath I was..I was just taking a cup of tea .." I mumble.
"Don't worry... I had to run away .." he stopped me laughing.
Hint of a smile.
"Let's do this .." says then becoming closer "..for forgive me for having declined the invitation .." smiles "..I'll offer you a nice dinner in the bistro!"
I nod and spare a smile.
He takes me on the shoulder and leans to me giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll pick you up at eight today ..." he said running towards his car "... and I do not accept your no!" He add before closing the door.
I smile even if ha can not see me before returning home.

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