Chapter 2

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•David POW•
I get in the car and I moved away from home to join Hilary looking in the rearview mirror. I was passing by here and saw his dog walking on the sidewalk. Did I reported, and I gained a dinner together tonight. I love being with her. We are never bored together.
Although sometimes it seems almost embarrassed me ... ... as well as a little while ago ... He started to speak quickly saying random things ....
Well ... those who will never understand women ...
I just know that despite our bickering ... I want a lot of good ... and I want her ..

It's seven and a half and I just got out of the shower. Shit. I'm late. I dress quickly wearing a blue shirt as moccasins and beige pants cone tie. I look in the mirror; far too elegant. Via the tie. Esco shirt from his pants and around the sleeves. Much better. Anyway, it is summer. I put on my jacket, take the car keys and wallet and I sling from Hilary.
It's already a quarter to eight.
Arriving at her home as quickly as possible and I am going to ring the bell. You do not wait a minute. He opens the door and smiles at me.
I remain speechless.
It's beautiful ...
Wearing a dark blue short dress with a wide neckline that continues to the heart where the life a bell-shaped skirt. Her hair is loose and smooth as always by pairing two small pearl earrings-white necklace. He comes to me on the décolleté cream and closed the door behind him.
"You're late ... Visentin" then says with a half smile, "... are eight ten .."
I can not take my eyes off her.
"And whereas you are .." reply "..bellissima, Miss Farr ..."
She smiles and reaches for me to kiss me on the cheek. Although the heels is even more natural fiber than me.
"Come on .." I say and together we go by car.
"You know you should not go out like this without me ... or I could be jealous ..." I say while I drive. She laughs and replies: "Why not? I'm not the one that should worry .."
He alludes to Tia, my wife. Indeed she is alone in Tornto and I'm here ... should I care that can ... bhe..riempire miss me ... and instead of worrying about what has never been the focus of my thoughts ... maybe .. because at the center of my thoughts ... There has always been you ...

• Hilary POW •
I'm sitting next to him and the initial tension seems to vanish almost completely. We jniziato joking and as always we can feel at ease in the air by appointment. Maybe I could avoid my last joke about Tia ... it stiffened ..
We arrive at the bistro and he parked not far from the entrance. He gets out and I do the same. I know I would be going to open my door but I do not want to feel like a romantic date. I know that would not be the same ...
Instead I just want to have dinner tonight and have fun ... with my best friend ..

• David • POW
We approach the entrance where a waiter opened the door of the room. Hilary before me and known a bow at the base of the zipper of her dress just before the wide skirt. Tonight is just beautiful. A shiver runs through the back when my eyes stop on the zip.
But what happens? I had never thought of her that way ... and now ...
Calm down ... it is a normal attraction fisica..Hilary is a beautiful woman I have never denied, tonight it is especially ...
Even if..
"David then? For you all right?" Hilary reminds me distracting me from my thoughts.
"Oh yes yes .." I say without knowing what I have just agreed. Almost without realizing Hilary has already got the table and the waiter is accompanying the veranda of the restaurant. Too lost in my thoughts about lei..per realize the rest ..
They make us sit at a table set for two right on the border with the railing of the veranda from the city.
"I love this place .." she begins just sit "..we have been a lot of times and I seem to find it more and more beautiful in all my back .."
Thought to have been here with another before me causes me almost a sense of fastidio..possibile that a neckline and a short skirt cause così..tanto ..?
"The owner is a friend of mine ... I have seen this restaurant grow .." I say.
No..non is not only physical attraction.

• Hilary POW •
We serve dinner and we start talking and laughing between mouthfuls when he is almost obvious question:
"How's Logan?"
The irony in the face of David goes out, as if I'd remembered a ghost ..
Logan is his son ... and the more I penso..più hear me out posto..qui sitting in front of him ..
He swallows what he had in his mouth and replied, trying to sound as natural as possible.
"All right .." say " I see da..un pó the last time I heard Tia..stava to .." smiles and goes back to his flat.
I smile too. I should not ask. I know how much he misses ... and should not be priacevole think of his distant family ..

We finish eating and David asks the bill.
I remain Watching the view to my right. The city is a spectacle. I love Raleigh ... I could live there ... luckily my sister had a beautiful home here and did not have to rent apartments as it did David.
"We can go .." he tells me, standing up. I do the same and we head to the exit. I feel my head gira..devo have drunk so much champagne ..
I cling automatically to his arm and laughing.
"You made me drink too .." I accuse him.
"I? Farr know there is no way of vietarti something and then did not tell you anything ... even after the fourth glass .." she says returning laughter. We reach his car laughing and this time I let me open the door.
I look at the time. It's eleven exact.
"Punctual as a Swiss watch, Mr. Visentin!" I say just set in motion.
"Well ... one of us has to be .." responds ironic.
He returned my David ..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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