What is Love

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Seeing Kamiya and Trey interacting and bonding made me smile. I know I was wrong for keeping him in the dark so long but I had my reasons, They were selfish but I still had them.

Trey stayed til miya finally went to sleep. He laid her in her bed then walked back out to the living room with me

When I was driving over here I had it set in my head that I could forgive you and we could work this out, But now It's hard to just say I forgive you I've missed out on 3 years of her life

Trey you haven't missed alot she's only 3 I said

Haven't missed alot Ari her being Born was the main thing I missed seeing her crawl for the first time, take her first steps say her first words even her first day of school He said

Well you're hear now Trey so you can catch everything else

What's wrong with you Ari what happened to the sweet girl I use to know and love you're evil now

I'm still the same girl just older and I'm not evil I'm very sweet I said

If you say so um look I gotta go I'll call you He said standing up

Ok thanks for coming I said standing up as well

He turned towards me and hugged me It was hard letting him go after so long I still loved him and wasn't ready to let go.

We both let each other go and stared at each other

I still love you Ari and I hope we can work through all of this He said

We can trey I'm glad you came I said

He kissed my forehead then walked towards the door. I let him out then leaned against the door before rubbing my hands on my face.

I walked up to my room and pushed play on my radio I had the empire soundtrack on but had one song in particular played on repeat.

V Bozeman what is Love was my theme song it described my whole life it made me cry everytime I played it. That song just, I don't know how to explain it but it did all of that to me.
I took a quick shower then laid down in my bed.

Not able to sleep I turned my tv on and channel surfed until I found something. Disney channel was my outlet, call me childish all you would like I loved the disney channel. I finally closed my eyes and dozed off.
When I woke up I felt feet deep in my back I turned over to see my daughter stretched out on the other side holding a doll. I looked at my clock then climbed out of my bed I went to Miya room to get her clothes ready for her then returned to my room

Kamiya come on mama time to get up I said shaking her leg

Mommy no it's no school she said pulling the cover over her head

I laughed a little before pulling the covers back off her

Come on bug we go through this everyday I said pulling her up

Mommy I just wanna sleep please can I just stay home she cried

No way lady now come on let's go I said standing her up
She huffed then stomped out of my room

Crazy lady hurry up and make sure you brush your teeth I yelled behind her

I walked to my closet to find something to wear. After getting dressed I walked to Miya room she was sitting on the floor playing with the toys her father brought

Are you ready I asked

Yes mommy can I take my doll to school with me

You can keep her in the car for when you get out of school ok I said

Ok mommy

She grabbed the same doll she was sleeping with then grabbed her bookbag

Ready now she said smiling
I smiled at her then grabbed her hand. We walked down the stairs

Let me get my purse then we can leave

Are we going to eat breakfast she asked rubbing her stomach

Yes ma'am we're gonna stop and get it

I grabbed my purse and keys then we walked to the door when I opened it there was a car parked out front

Who's that mommy Miya asked grabbing my hand

I'm not sure, come on let's go I said pulling her towards my car
Trey climbed out of the car

Mommy look its my daddy Miya said tryna let my hand go. I let her go and she ran to trey. He picked her up and walked back over towards me

Good morning beautiful he said kissing my forehead

Good morning trey what are you doing here I asked

I wanna take her to school well I wanna ride with you guys to take her

Um sure that would be nice I said smiling

Were going to get breakfast daddy miya said

What are you going to get Trey asked

Pancakes She squealed

I laughed

Again Miya come on you're gonna turn into a pancake I said opening the door
Trey put her in the car
After having breakfast with them we dropped her off at school. Miya held onto treys hand tight as we walked her to class, seeing my baby smile so hard made me happy. A few of the staff members flocked behind trey as we talked to miya teacher and got him registered on all of her papers and emergency contact list they took a picture of miya and trey to put on her cubbyhole.

After leaving the school I drove back to my house to drop trey off to his car

What are you about to do Trey asked

I have to be at work soon Why I asked

Just wanted to sit down and talk to you without no arguing He said

I looked at my watch then at him

Well we have a few moments come on I said getting out of the car.

Trey followed behind me his Cologne caught me off gaurd and made me smile thinking of all the things I would do to him. I shook my head and chuckled at myself.

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