Sub Manager [Pt. 2] - Wonwoo (SVT)

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Member: Jeon Wonwoo
Group: Seventeen
Word count: 1275

The next day, I woke up early at 6 because I have to prepare. The main manager called me last night saying he should be going to the venue of the show earlier, so I have to be the one taking Seventeen to the saloon and then drive them to the venue. I have to pick them up at 7! I have one hour.

I took a shower and dried my hair sloppily with my towel. I dressed myself in a baseball shirt and ripped skinny jeans, together with my black converse. I went to the dorms at 6:45.. 15 minutes to wake up 13 boys...

I knocked on the door but there's no sounds coming from inside, then I remembered that the manager has placed a spare key above the frame of the door, so I jumped to grab it and unlocked the door. When I went inside, the living room was a mess, the boys are all stacked in the living room, all still in deep slumber.

"GUYS! WAKE UP! WE GOT TO LEAVE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Some of then shot awake with my scream and I thanked God I have a loud voice.. Then one by one they woke up and went to the toilet and their closet room to change their clothes and fix themselves a bit before going to the stylish, leaving me alone to wake up the sloth, Wonwoo..

I went closer to Wonwoo, shaking him vigorously.. "Oppa! Wake uppp! We're gonna be late because of you!" I kept saying until he grabbed me and pulled me down, nuzzling his face on my back.

"5 more minutes.." He said while hugging me, his arms gripping me and my back facing him. His morning voice sounds 10x deeper and more hoarse than it is, making my heart thump a little faster.

"O-oppa.. Let go.. And wake up!" I said, trying to regain my composure.

"Only if you promised to buy me cheeseburger later..." He said again in his sleepy voice.

"Y-yeah, I will, now let me go and wake up.." I said again.

Then.. Joshua walked in..
"Y/N, we get to change our clothes in the... Wha- WHAT THE HELL IS WONWOO DOING!? Let go of our manager you pervert!!" He said, and stomped towards me who is looking helpless in Wonwoo's strong grip. This made Wonwoo remove his grip and shot up.

"I didn't do anything! Don't start preaching! Please!" Wonwoo said to Joshua, which made me let out a small chuckle.

"What, Y/N? You think my preaching is boring!?" Jisoo said to me instead, widening his eyes, which makes him very cute.

"No! No! I'm.. Uh... Laughing at Wonwoo!" I said, instead while giving a wide grin to Joshua. Wonwoo is now already walking to the bathroom to change his clothes and shower.

It was 7:10 already. They're still getting ready. We need to get to the saloon by max of 8 and it's a 30-40 minutes drive, according to the traffic.

"GUYS! We need to go, like, now! Quickly fix yourself!" I yelled, and all of them start getting ready faster and filed inside the van.

We get to the saloon in time and got them fixed and I took them to the venue of the show. They did the shoot, playing games and answering questions, after a long day of shooting, we went to have an early dinner so the boys can rest longer for the day.

The manager told me that he's taking them to eat beef once in a while, so we took them to a beef restaurant near their dorm so they can walk home.

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