New Beginnings.

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As we drove down the ghost like streets, being sure to put any wanderers out of their misery,I realised we had no plan. I slowed down to crawling pace to ponder our journey ahead.
"Hey Lucy,where shall we go?" I asked my comrade. We have enough supplies to last ages so I was thinking somewhere more remote rather that a town, I thought aloud."hmmm.." she replied."what about that abandoned military bunker that dad used to take us to camping."Yes! I said "Well Done Luce!, that's perfect we have access to the small town and road nearby and hardly anyone knows about it." I knew that would be perfect and we'd have loads of room for our tons of supply. We drove on for around 20 miles, mowing down the occasional zombie, but other that that without incidence and as we neared the bunkers location tired and hungry we knew that we were lucky to be alive.

Climbing out of the car I checked the surrounding woods, before kicking the rusting bolt open and going down the ladder. As I went down I used my pocket lighter to light all of the wall torces, setting a calming glow to the large room. "Throw the bags down Hun!" I shouted up to Lucy and then stood below to catch the load of duffel bags that quickly descended the staircase. I emptied the supplies that Lucy couldn't carry out of the car and added them to our huge pile of supplies. And then drove the pickup with the barrels of fuel into the thick under growth, covering it with fern branches for camouflage.

Back in the bunker me and Lucy used the old rusty military bunk beds to make a wall across half the room and draped a blanket down each bed to make the partition a proper-ish wall. Then we went through and organised the goods. We threw all blankets and pillows into the living quarters (the other side) and a few camping stoves, a hammer and some nails and one of the tool bags.

We then stacked the tons of cans up in a big pile (but not so tall we couldn't reach the top ones.)
And everything else was put on the couple of spare bunk beds we used as shelves. We worked quickly and tirelessly until everything in storage was done down to the last duffel bags containing none- canned food being stacked up. Then we went through to the other side and completely covered the floor, except about a metre square to put our shoes at the base of the ladder, blankets fleeced and duvets, before using sleeping bags and pillows spread out in one corner for our beds. Then we stepped back and admired our work, and as the sun went down outside I cleared out a new space for a fire and went outside under the cover of dark and grabbed some large rocks to stop our blankets setting on fire. It was too late to go and gather firewood now so we ate some cerial straight from a box which we were grateful for. And we laughed tearfully about the fact our parents weren't here to tell us not to put our hands in the box. It wasn't really funny, but at the time we needed to laugh so we didn't cry.

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