We Ended Up On The Ground [ A Vic Fuentes Fan Fiction] Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I wake up in the morning to the bright sun rays penetrating fiercely through the bus' windows. Without hesitation, I cover my face. That is when I notice Vic is no longer here. Gwen and Tony are still sleeping in his bunk pressed together. Mike is sound asleep, snoring silently in his bed.

I look for my phone, that I had placed on one of the tables in the next part of the bus. It is 9:15 a.m. Then I notice something funny: My home screen wallpaper has been changed to a picture of Vic making a kissy face. I just laugh at myself, place my phone down, and I rub my eyes and pass a hand though my hair. To my surprise it has not become a complete bird nest.

I fix my hair a bit and when I'm done I find Vic entering the bus along with Jaime. They hold cups of Starbucks coffee in their hands, as well as paper bags with pastries.

Vic catches my eye and smiles. He sets the coffee and pastries down on a table and comes over to where I stand. He lifts me up, and I wrap my arms around his neck. Jaime just stares and laughs as he bites into a donut.

"You guys, like seriously, get a room", he says between bites and laughter. He practically spits the donut on the floor. He then goes away where Mike is and smears part of his dnt across his face. Mike wakes up suddenly, throwing a pillow at him.

Vic sets me down and says, " Good morning, hun."

I blush a bit as I give him a quick kiss on his right cheek.

"Tony wake up! We got Starbucks you turtle!", Vic yells and Tony instantly wakes up, his sudden movement waking up Gwen as well. She sits up and looks at him confused.

Fifteen minutes later we're all sitting at the table, enjoying coffee as well as some pastries. I'm eating a powdered donut and I don't notice I've smeared powder on the sides of my mouth until Vic says I have. I proceed to cleaning my mouth but then something happens.

Vic cleans both corners of my mouth with his lips! Goddem. He licks his lips gently, savoring the donut's powder. I instantly have a mini heart attack, choke a bit on my donut and blush too hard. What in the actual fuck...just happened?

I look into Vic's eyes, my eyes open wide with astonishment. He just smiles at me, and Gwen and the rest just laugh. Oh Vic...

I finish my coffee and the donut afterwards. Being much more careful of the way in which I eat.

Once I'm done I ask Jaime, " So, what the hell did you guys do yesterday with the bees."

All three of them burst out laughing again. Then, finally, they stop.

" Okay so, so, we went into the woods to do some exploring and we find this bee hive," Mike begins. " So, I'm like, ' Jaime I bet you can't knock that shit down with a rock', and this thing is like 20 feet high. And so I tell Jaime that, his dumb self grabs a stick and flings it up at the hive. It doesn't work. Doesn't even make it half way up. And meanwhile Gwen, Tony and I are just watching. So then, Jaime throws a medium sized rock at the hive and it makes a hole through the hive. Then, all of a sudden we hear this buzzing and the freaking bees come rushing out! We all start freaking the fuck out and we run back the way we came. And then we find you guys, and we leave."

I just stare at the three of them as they burst out laughing. Gwen and Tony, practically doubled over. Mike just smiles " innocently".

" Man, you three are a bunch of dumb badasses. Who the fuck does that? I am very disappointed Mike, and Tony. You guys should know better", Vic says jokingly. He then bursts out laughing.

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